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  1. Oilhead

    Putoline 15W50 Boxer Synthetic Motorcycle Oil

    Thanks This could be topical
  2. Oilhead

    Putoline 15W50 Boxer Synthetic Motorcycle Oil

    I have recently replaced the plugs on the 2011 double cam with NGK MAR8B-JDS plugs You may need a 14mm long socket
  3. Oilhead


    We have to remember how the GS got here. 2004 Long Way Round, KTM drops the ball, BMW grabs the attention, the failures are glossed over. 2014 Long Way Down, better bikes due to the previous experience Now these epics, where a movie actor and a hooligan, can do these overlanding trips are...
  4. Oilhead

    LF - Printable detailed road map of section of WC, NC, EC

    Baie van die grondpaaie is nou seker geteer? Baie van dit wat teerpaaie was, is nou weer grondpaaie??
  5. Oilhead

    Why KTM’s are so light

  6. Oilhead

    Why KTM’s are so light

    Interesting article The 3 threads could be enough?
  7. Oilhead


    I will be the first to admit that the wirkd has moved on since my 2011 K25 was designed and produced but I am questioning the BMW GS developmental trajectory At the launch of the 1250 GS it was labelled "The Range Rover of Motorcycles" to my mind an apt description as, like the Looters Landy...
  8. Oilhead


    Wie is sy en wat doen hierdie hierdie meisie die laaste week in Oktober. Dalk wil sy saam ry, en my help???
  9. Oilhead

    Moving tribute to young biker who died by Herman Lategan in Die Rapport

    Yesterday morning an old wingshooter pal landed at ORTIA, went home, kissed the wife, showered, got onto his bike and was killed by a guy skipping a stop street. No words
  10. Oilhead

    BMW halts sale of all new motorcycles in the USA

    You dont mean the 😼 holding the handle bars?
  11. Oilhead

    Sold White 2012 BMW R1200 GSA (K25) with 25859 km for sale, R105 000.

    Thanks for the interest, the bike has been sold
  12. Oilhead

    Question my priorities

    Absolutely true but the future remains uncertain. Then again, a very dear friend if mine, Col Piet, Graspol, Nel, OC 1 Para, OC 44 Para, went through all of the bush war and then, in 1999, got killed in a hijacking in Melville. One of the big philosophical conundrums I struggle with is: Is...
  13. Oilhead

    Question my priorities

    1927 Yamaha
  14. Oilhead

    Question my priorities

    No need, except to up the engine to 1800 cc
  15. Oilhead

    Question my priorities

    And yet "The Fastest Lorries in the World" won Le Mans in 1924 and 1927.
  16. Oilhead

    MotoGP 2023

    Marc Marquez has made his choice: the Spaniard has decided to race with the Gresini team's Ducati in 2024, in the same team as his brother Alex,” the report states. But there is a sticking point. “Before proceeding with the formal closing of the agreement, the rider will have to agree on a way...
  17. Oilhead

    Question my priorities

    My son crashed my 2013 GSA in Baviaans. The assessors loaded the repair price till it was written off to get their hands on a cheap bike to restore and resell. A buddy of mine had a skelm pastor crash into his 2012 full spec GSA which was totalled. What a fight to convince the assessors that it...
  18. Oilhead


    There already is an 1800 cc BMW engine!!
  19. Oilhead


    What has happened to the BMW Motorrad engineers? Apparently after the Long Way Round trip the head of design put a 20 litre drum of water at the entrance to the design office and everybody on the design team had to lift that weight every morning as that was the weight they had to take out of...
  20. Oilhead

    Cager Skills

    This should be essential watching for bikers