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  1. Grumpleton

    Do the Japs give a sh*t?

    Remember SMG is also a BMW dealer in Durban so they have the BMW lifestyle mentality .
  2. Grumpleton

    Somthing new from Rottweiler

    This will solve a big problem but not cheap but will Make air filter cleaning easy
  3. Grumpleton

    KTM 690 - give it to me straight

    had one loved it , scared the shit out of me , on the dirt it was awesome, never had vibration problems , a slight handlebar sway at 125 km/h that went away at 130km/h , put that down to tyres, had the dreaded speedo die but that was replaced by KTM under warranty, would I have another one ...
  4. Grumpleton

    70/30 Tires

    I run Mitas E 07 on my bike and on my 950 previously, have never had a problem with them in the wet or the dry or in sand, they last well ,and are stable up to 215KM/h have not gone any faster than that , don't have the balls, you just must not put on the Dakar version , the side walls are so...
  5. Grumpleton

    For Sale Crash helmets , Nitro medium

    Nitro Medium High Vis ok condition good starter R500. Helmet in Langebaan purchaser pays for post net or Pudo.
  6. Grumpleton


    easy job to do the fuel filters. takes about 30 min , just remember to switch of the crossover valves, and then use the one next to the pump to drain fuel around the pump ,
  7. Grumpleton

    For Sale 3 bike Lazy loader and Quad bike Trailer Price update

    advertising on behalf of a good mate trailers are in Thaba Nchu (Black mountain resort) give Peter a call on watsapp 082 883 3200 he does not have cell signal there The Lazy Loader (white, silver) with 2 steel Jerry cans, 32K. Roadworthy and licensed. Quad trailer, 34K with ramps, white kit...
  8. Grumpleton

    Open or closed helmet visor... that is the question

    ride mostly with visor open and sunnies on, unfortunately my Spirit Helmet auto closes the visor above 120, reminds me of when we were young and indestructible ,was plakkies shorts and an open face crash cap , now its twat suits ,ear plugs heated gloves and fancy boots.
  9. Grumpleton

    Shaun Dickens - Bike Sellers Beware

    shit this picture is taken in my side of the hood , that looks like the farm house hotel deck, but then a lot of scammers end up here on the west coast thinking they can hide.
  10. Grumpleton

    KTM soon to be 100% Chinesse

    every thing you can get today at some point, some part of it was made in China, the Chinese work ,the west want to make tik-tok movies and get rich doing F...all, the Chinese are price point manufactures , you want cheap they make cheap, you want good quality the make good quality at a price ...
  11. Grumpleton

    Shaun Dickens - Bike Sellers Beware

    I see the post about Eddy has been removed from winelands motorcycle FB page, Eddy`s dad just sent me a message that its sorted
  12. Grumpleton

    Shaun Dickens - Bike Sellers Beware

    just spoken to Eddy`s parents that I know very well , they inform me that Eddy is not involved with this company. told them to Warn him what is going on here, and on their FB page.
  13. Grumpleton

    Sold 2011 Honda XR650L for sale ~ REDUCED - SOLD!!!

    not another one , he already does not have space for his bikes and project bikes, maybe he will now sell me that DRZ that he rebuilt to make space for this one :rolleyes:
  14. Grumpleton

    Shoutout to SuperFoxi - The suspension wizard

    jip Mike is the man , sorted out my 950, 690 and now my 1190 front suspension, just need to get over the festive season and then going to do the rear on the 1190, always great service , be it a bit difficult to get things to him on the other side of CT from Langebaan, our west coast couriers...
  15. Grumpleton

    Bike Finance BS?

    not to hijack the topic but into days unstable economy do people still take the chance of finance on toys, i have always been of the opinion and possibly from my upbringing , for toys if you cant afford to pay cash then you cant afford the toy. I can understand finance on necessary things like...
  16. Grumpleton

    KTM 950 motor noise

    looks like part of the clutch ramp.
  17. Grumpleton


    this is the mod that is done on my bike , the vent is open, if you over fill , you smell petrol for about 20 km and then it clears.
  18. Grumpleton


    deon 1190 check those two breather pipes at the tip of the tank, one is the breather the other is the over flow vent , make sure they are both not clogged , the one to the right is the tank breather ,
  19. Grumpleton


    I have my fuel tank vent lines modified to be open all the time , riding in 40+ deg with a slow rider at 40Km/h and a full tank no problems at all,