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  1. H

    looking for a 990 Swing arm (Sorted)

    03/04 models does this, later model swingarms doesn't have the hollow section next to the shock mounting. You can have two pieces of alu welded in to close off the gap.
  2. H

    Wupperthal and Citadel 4wd trails....

    Mooi fotos! Die gevoel wat mens kry as jy in daai area ry met bakkie of bike is maar net anders.  :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :thumleft:
  3. H

    Buying a LC8 990/950: things to look out for

    Yeah watch out for that orange thrives on rear tyres and petrol
  4. H

    WANTED : 950 adv Scotts steering damper mounting and pin

    If Anyboby knows of both or either one please let me know, many thanx in advance :thumleft: Henry zero82 88five sixsix22
  5. H


    Damn wish I've seen this earlier  :ricky:
  6. H

    FOR SALE: 12'-'16 KTM 300 Goodies (Levers, protection and stuff)

    Rossdog - I'm in CT for the weekend, can go check out the other levers for you.
  7. H

    Manual fan switches

  8. H

    Oasis Spit

    Unforgettable memories, nice pics  :thumleft: :ricky:
  9. H

    OASIS ride with impromptu backup

    :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :thumleft:
  10. H

    Manual fan switches

    I'll take one thanx  :thumleft:
  11. H

    KTM drag HD

    :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: :3some: :thumleft: kyk hoe loop daai katooms :imaposer:
  12. H

    What Size Spanner

    An older type car hexagon spark plug spanner could work.....they are 21mm / 13/16" in size
  13. H

    KTM Stuff for sale updated

    I will take no's 1,2 and 6  :thumleft:
  14. H

    SOLD:: Touratech Panniers for cheap! ::SOLD

    I am interested in the racks, unfortunately have got boxes.  :ricky: :3some:
  15. H

    SOLD: KTM 950/990 Adventure Trunk Holders (handles) for panniers

    All good....ek mail jou  :thumleft:
  16. H

    New KTM 950 owner

    We can talk, bought a brand new Rade tank a month ago, not fitted yet. Found out in the meantime my engine needs a crank and sprocket shaft so it has to go.
  17. H

    THE SHOW US YOUR 990/950 THREAD !!!

    I like !  :ricky: :ricky: :ricky:
  18. H

    Sold - Scottolier chain lube device with oil

    also interested :thumleft:
  19. H

    WANTED: KTM 950 crankshaft and carb

    Cool...thanx Justin  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: