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  1. H

    Timing box for oilheads

    Quite a nifty tool  :thumleft:.............use something similar on the Pellenc grape harvesters to set the position of the shaker posts
  2. H

    KTM Dealerships - Lot to be desired

    And as off today I am also ordering my parts from a different dealer
  3. H

    Clutch pushrod seal & torque wrench

    Al reggekom? Kan dalk plan maak om n seel op n dorp naby jou te kry :thumleft:
  4. H

    WANTED: KTM 950 crankshaft and carb

    I still have the old non keyed crankshaft, taper has quite a few marks from a rotor coming loose in it's previous life, am looking for a later model crankshaft but will also consider repairing if someone maybe knows of an engineering shop that has done this successfully. Am also looking for a...
  5. H

    Triumph Scrambler For Sale***SOLD to Joe***

    :drif: :drif: :drif: one day.................. :3some:
  6. H

    The Ultimate Wee Strom

    I like !!!  :ricky: :ricky: :ricky:
  7. H

    Project bike for bike crazy neighbourhood kid?

    Havn't seen them in about 3 weeks, will pop in sometime over the weekend
  8. H

    21 April 2018 Cederberg Oasis Spitbraai

    Nee glad nie, eks op nr 5  :thumleft:
  9. H

    20 x 'R' clips - around 70mm long, needed in Cape Town... anyone?

    Chris try Denver spares in Paarl or Bepco.
  10. H

    21 April 2018 Cederberg Oasis Spitbraai

    Geboek en betaal, campsite 5 :ricky:
  11. H

    Magnetic Tank Bag For Sale - SOLD

    Eft done  :thumleft:
  12. H

    Magnetic Tank Bag For Sale - SOLD

    Weet van iemand wat dalk sal belangstel, sal later vanmiddag laat weet. :thumleft:
  13. H

    SOLD:Hydrapack and helmet

    I'll take the hydrapack if Rossdog is out  :thumleft:
  14. H

    Red Bull KTM Competition jacket XL - SOLD

    Dan gaan die moue op my kniee hang....ek is 1,76m en 90kg
  15. H

    Western Cape Bash 2018: 16 - 18 March - Gatsrivier Holiday Farm

    En toe sorg my Katoom se lectrics dat ek die bash mis  :xxbah: :xxbah: :xxbah:
  16. H

    Kuilrivier help needed to check Gumtree seller, please!

    Is reg, ek sal eers seker na die middag in sein wees maar stuur n WA, my nr oh82 88five sixsix22  :thumleft:
  17. H

    Looking for rear indicators for KLE500 2007

    Are you sorted? Am busy moving, know I have a set somewhere........hopefully they'll pop out now.
  18. H

    My pooratec mods and prep work I have done to my KLE500 for my Namibia trip

    Looks good !  :thumleft:  Enjoy, have a safe trip :ricky: :ricky:  :ricky: Will be waiting some good pics  :3some:
  19. H

    Kuilrivier help needed to check Gumtree seller, please!

    Mail hom, ek kan laat sondag middag/vroegaand gaan kyk  :thumleft: