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  1. Numsch

    New Member Thanks

    Welcome, nice bike!
  2. Numsch

    Wanted 2-piece motorbike rain suit

    Yip I like the orange! :D
  3. Numsch

    Wanted 2-piece motorbike rain suit

    Got to your local Jonsson store or Builders Warehouse. They R250.
  4. Numsch

    790/890/901 Ride Reports, Feedback, Farkles & More

    Nope, you not the only one! 🤣 Thanks for sharing!
  5. Numsch

    New Member: Russell Bridger

    Welcome! What is the 143 group?
  6. Numsch

    Footpeg Diaries

    I have never heard of what3words until now. If a Netcare operator does not know about it, then clearly it is not used here for emergencies.
  7. Numsch

    Best Adventure Jacket ever?

    The good old original drymac!
  8. Numsch

    Best Adventure Jacket ever?

    XL should fit you, if not I'm sure you will move it here fairly quickly at a reasonable price.
  9. Numsch

    Footpeg Diaries

    Eish, unfortunately these accidents happen and often where there is no cell reception. Lekker that the tannie helped with her cruiser. :)
  10. Numsch

    Wanted Adventure bike wanted

    2005-2023 doesn’t really help. Budget would be a good starting point to help. What has he ridden previously that he liked or disliked?
  11. Numsch

    Bezuidenhout's Pass Solo on a Voge300 Rally

    Regarding no fuel gauge , it will be interesting to know how far you get after the warning (reserve) light comes on!
  12. Numsch

    I am Lamberto

  13. Numsch

    Bezuidenhout's Pass Solo on a Voge300 Rally

    Nice video @KnopKop It's a lekker pass and in the wet becomes another challenge. I'll try find some videos of us going up.
  14. Numsch

    Bike Insurance

    Here a couple of recent links,
  15. Numsch

    790/890/901 Ride Reports, Feedback, Farkles & More

    Looks very neat. I wonder why this won't fit the newer 890's!
  16. Numsch

    EO 7 coming apart

    The tread looks like it is still fairly new. How many km's have you done and what pressure you running?
  17. Numsch

    Securing your GPS from falling out of mount. At over 4k! 😲
  18. Numsch

    Securing your GPS from falling out of mount.

    Never had an issue with my 396 but now you got me worried! :) Let me know what you decide on.