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  1. J

    Battery or starting problem

    Friggs that is similar to what happened to me , i thought perhaps i was not pushing the button in hard enough to make good contact. I have also read on another forum they say you should wait for the computer to cycle first before pushing start so in other words wait until the needle comes to...
  2. J

    Battery or starting problem

    Les mine has done the same twice , im convinced it is either the clutch switch or the kick stand switch , i have also reported this during my last service and was told just to keep an eye on it as off course when the bike was in the shop everything was working fine. When mine did it I switched...
  3. J

    Tiger 800XC first, second and lasting impressions..

    I change the oil in my RMZ every 6 hours , what oil will you be using and will you change the filter every 5000 as well ?
  4. J

    Removing your UniFilter Pre-Filter - How to

    Thanks and well done  :thumleft:
  5. J

    Dirty filter competition

    we await the evidence  :sip:  :thumleft:
  6. J

    Dirty filter competition

    Come now guys it takes 30 mins , if you need help google tiger 800xc tank removal there is a nice step by step video on you tube.......  ;) Krod this is a great test of how effective the pre filter really is , if you check the main filter and its clean then we know we dont have to worry about...
  7. J

    Triumph Tiger 800XC: what screen to reduce buffeting?

    I alsohave the Airoh s5 and i removed the peak which makes it even better as no peak to get caught in the side winds........ Not the best helmet out there but its not bad!
  8. J

    Dirty filter competition

    Krod do us a flavour if you dont mind and check the main filter while you are at it , it will give us all a good idea of just how efective the pre filter is  :thumleft:
  9. J

    Triumph Tiger 800XC: what screen to reduce buffeting?

    move to Cape Town , you will get use to the wind quick quick  :lol8:
  10. J

    Tiger 800 xc after service

    Yip the filter  :thumleft:
  11. J

    Triumph Tiger 800XC: what screen to reduce buffeting?

    Puig screen R2300 Leith Roode Whatsapp : 076 808 8078 Tel:011-672-6599 Fax:011-674-4287
  12. J

    Tiger 800XC first, second and lasting impressions..

    To the guys running mitas eo7 front , do you guys feel a drrrrrrrr slight vibration while slowing down just before stopping ?
  13. J

    Triumph Tiger 800XC: what screen to reduce buffeting?

    Thanks Derek thats great news , i will be sure to track one done.....  :thumleft:
  14. J

    Triumph Tiger 800XC: what screen to reduce buffeting?

    i have a mitsubishi canter truck windscreen at home if anyone wants to attempt a pooratech mod  :lol8:  :snorting:
  15. J

    Triumph Tiger 800XC: what screen to reduce buffeting?

    Dont Triumph have an adjustable screen available ? im sure i have seen it somewhere , SW Motech might also have one. Try the overseas forums they have a lot of information. Good luck
  16. J

    Triumph Tiger 800XC: what screen to reduce buffeting?

    Ive also heared the madstat screens work well , somewhere in our forums there is a guy who has one and he says at 150/160 its fantastic.........
  17. J

    Cape town: Perelli scorpion trails for sale done 400km 150/70-17 90/90-21

    Perelli scorpion trails for sale done 400km rear 150/70-17    front  90/90-21 Came with the bike new , i have sice fitted nobblies. R500, 000 neg  :lol8:    or  fair price of R1800  :thumleft: , priced new just under R3000  :deal: