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  1. J

    2012 Triumph Tiger 800XC Update

    Good price , surprised it has not sold yet
  2. J

    Cederberg to Tankwa on the Old Postal road

    :laughing4: or carry the correct spare tubes .....  :imaposer:
  3. J

    BoosterPlug on Triumph 800XC

    :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:  :ricky: :ricky:
  4. J

    Tiger 800 oil consumption

    Ok so the usage seems to be normal , thanks !
  5. J

    Mike Hopkins Motorcycles

    When did this take over happen ?  This is interesting !
  6. J

    HELP!: Gear Lever - stock setting??

    Great info  :thumleft:
  7. J

    Tiger 800 oil consumption

    Yell that seems a bit much .....
  8. J

    Tiger 1050 - 100000km!

    Any major issues ?  Still original clutch and valves ?
  9. J

    Tiger 800 oil consumption

    Hi guys have any of you noticed that your bikes are using oil ? My oil level dropped from the full mark to lower mark over 9000 km ........
  10. J

    800XCx Tools

    price on the tool roll please?
  11. J

    800xc to 800xcx?

    please share the wind fix do you have a stock screen ?
  12. J

    service costs on a tiger xc

    I must say service costs were not looked into when i bought the bike but it will be before buying my next........... Now that the rand is in its moer we can be sure that all prices will go up.......
  13. J

    service costs on a tiger xc

    Hi guys what are you paying for your services? Seems to be differances between dealers .......... For a 10k servive i was told 1400 to 1500 but then im billed 2280 with no extras , in future i will request prices in writing !!!! Why are we all paying different prices ?????
  14. J

    HELP!: Gear Lever - stock setting??

    I would say try get the bike in neutral and then work from there......
  15. J

    800XCx Tools

    Awaiting price......
  16. J

    Battery or starting problem

    What year is your bike and how many km ? Did you ever experiance no starts when the bike was hot ? Or was everything fine and then one day it just kaked ?
  17. J

    My Tiger's Evolution

    Dont decat in the first 2 years or there goes your warentee , i wont touch mine i had the cats removed on my hilux and had 2 months of fun trying to sort out ecu fault codes and engine managment lights coming on , from now on if it aint broke I dont fix it........
  18. J

    My Tiger's Evolution

    Congrats on the new bike , looking good indeed.... :thumleft: