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  1. Helenus


    Can I jump in here, sure @Kokdjembe won't mind :) Are some of you guys wearing knee braces under your adventure pants (as in taking out the pant's knee protectors)? I presume knee braces offers more protection than those that comes with the pants? Or not?
  2. Helenus

    Oh no... Noneking down??

    Sterkte. Vinnige herstel.
  3. Helenus

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    Whiteboy and Porky went for a ride @Kokdjembe
  4. Helenus

    CLARENCE BASH AGAIN? ( skaapkop vreet)

    Ek weet nie of ek sal kan bywoon, so ek gaan nie voorstelle maak nie. Wat ek wel kan sê is dat daar lekker paaie rondom Rosendal is. Lekker vir my aka niks tegnies (waar ek gery het). Ook baie mooi.
  5. Helenus

    Easy Loader type trailer. Pros and cons? Who makes the best?

    Thanks a lot for this. What a system, true engineering masterpiece! I am sure you can patent and market this. I took measurements in my garage, and it is just too small. So for me it's back to square one (renting).
  6. Helenus

    Yamaha reliability not what it used to be...

    I think the suspension is to blame :ROFLMAO:
  7. Helenus

    Shedding 25 + kg on my 1100 GS....!!

    Ok, ignoreer my post 😂
  8. Helenus

    Shedding 25 + kg on my 1100 GS....!!

    ☝🏻 what @hugh101 said. Way back I upgraded from a 650 Funduro to a 1100, fully loaded, camping gear, two up. A couple of (dirt) mountain passes later and the 1100 felt as light as a feather. Ok, not really as a feather 😂 but I got used to it very quickly. And I am an average skilled rider. Los...
  9. Helenus

    Easy Loader type trailer. Pros and cons? Who makes the best?

    Sal jy vir my stap vir stap vertel hoe jy hom daar kry asseblief. Van grond tot muur. Ek neem aan mens kan manual pulley gebruik?
  10. Helenus

    EC Bash 2023 - 12 to 14 May Doringkloof Baviaans

    'n Trip is nie 'n trip as die Bialetti nie saamry nie 👌
  11. Helenus

    Easy Loader type trailer. Pros and cons? Who makes the best?

    The photo is what they've sent me, it's the trailer that was quoted on. I have not bought one yet, got a space issue, so looking at the fold up ones that you can park upright.
  12. Helenus

    Easy Loader type trailer. Pros and cons? Who makes the best?

    Here's a quote for a 2M single bike that I received August 2022
  13. Helenus

    Easy Loader type trailer. Pros and cons? Who makes the best?

    Ek kyk ook rond (nog nie reg vir koop). Wat is jou opinie oor Compact en Xrad Pretzel?
  14. Helenus

    Saving my route…how

    Ok, while my personal go to GPS guy @Psycho Porra is opening the bar at the EC bash and won’t be interested in another ‘how do I it’ question… is there anyone else that can help please? Garmin Nuvi 500. I am going on a ride, and when I get back I want to log (or whatever you call it) and save...
  15. Helenus

    CLARENCE BASH AGAIN? ( skaapkop vreet)

    Brag gat 😂
  16. Helenus

    CLARENCE BASH AGAIN? ( skaapkop vreet)

    Vrystaters, hoe vorder julle met die een :unsure: WARR is te ver vir my, ek sou graag EC bash wou doen, maar verlof issue, en daai Natal een se paadjies lyk maar smal en klipperig vir my. Dié die een is die nabyste en Clarens / Rosendal het great grondpaaie. Maak ‘n plan kêrels. @petri...
  17. Helenus

    How much wind hammering do you get on your 800GS?

    Thanks for all the inputs. Think I'll start with the cheapest option @Psycho Porra and do a couple of tests without the peak on wind still and windy days. And then move from there.