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  1. Helenus

    The OOSTFIN "Sethuthuthu" Weekend, 11 - 13 October 2024

    Of course yes, my favourite place 😀
  2. Helenus

    The OOSTFIN "Sethuthuthu" Weekend, 11 - 13 October 2024

    Bicep spier geskeur, moes toe ge-anker word. Sommer ook karpale tonnel in hand reggemaak, selfde tyd. Twee vir die prys van twee 😂
  3. Helenus

    The OOSTFIN "Sethuthuthu" Weekend, 11 - 13 October 2024

    Jou rowwe girl 😂 Ek glo my wondjie sal dan heeltemal gesond wees. Ek het opdrag om 5 maande weg te bly van Whiteboy, 1 is al verby, so ja, dit is in my kalender. Sal so bietjie later bespreek. Sal met my spanmaat @Kokdjembe praat.
  4. Helenus

    1300 GS BeeMwee.

    To me the white 1300 has got a retro look, as if they've been lazy and just copied my 2014 800 front end. I like that.
  5. Helenus

    "Expanding" a Tail Bag.....Show Yours

    Me too 😀 Like the rigid sides
  6. Helenus

    My bike will be standing for 4 months. What maintenance should I do?

    Not starting him will be the problem… am I going to survive 4 months without hearing the beautiful singing of the Akra 😂 Thanks for all the advice 👍🏼
  7. Helenus

    Lane splitting ethics

    You're on a BMW :ROFLMAO:
  8. Helenus

    My bike will be standing for 4 months. What maintenance should I do?

    I won't be riding for about 4 to 5 months, thanks to a shoulder operation. Apart from the battery what else should I do? Starting it, to get the internals moving? Should it be ridden for short distances? What else?
  9. Helenus

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    Ah, a 310. Lekker 🤘🏻 Suddenly I miss mine. I’ve put Dunlop Trailmax on mine resulting in a huge improvement on the dirt (obviously not in mud 😁)
  10. Helenus

    Western Cape Bash 2024. Ons Karoo Plaas. 12-14 April 2024

    Kan ek my kampplek terugkry, dink nie die arm behoort my te pla nie…..
  11. Helenus

    Western Cape Bash 2024. Ons Karoo Plaas. 12-14 April 2024

    @Heimer ek het my kampplek vir @Kokdjembe ge PIF. Hy het dit weer vir Frankie Strauss ge PIF. Ek hoop die kêrels besef hulle skuld my ‘n bier of drie by die volgende bash 😂
  12. Helenus

    Western Cape Bash 2024. Ons Karoo Plaas. 12-14 April 2024

    Ek praat onder korreksie maar hy mag dalk kamp en dan sy bed vir iemand anders gee. Hy sal seker nog met jou gesels.
  13. Helenus

    Western Cape Bash 2024. Ons Karoo Plaas. 12-14 April 2024

    @Heimer my kak is geboek. Operasie, sommer skouer en hand op een slag, paar maande later die anderkant. So rondry is eers bietjie uit. @Kokdjembe gaan my bespreking oorneem. Jammer ek mis uit, heelwat uitgesien hierna.
  14. Helenus

    Noneking's Mancave

    1300 GS :ROFLMAO:
  15. Helenus

    Hello Wild Dogs

    Welcome Garth. It's a lekker place to be. Just buckle up, and you'll be fine 😀
  16. Helenus

    Off Road Cycles, the place to shop

    Jy huil net as jy daar aankom met ‘n tjek 😂😂
  17. Helenus

    Off Road Cycles, the place to shop

    Man, these guys are lekker. When the zip of the side pocket of my new ORC tankbag stripped I took it back, dirty after my December trip. @Runner sommer wanted to replace it there and then, but they didn’t have stock. I said no, it’s used, just fix the zip. Picked up my ‘repaired’ bag...