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  1. tok-tokkie

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    That road all along the Euphrates gorge is fantastic. Not tarred but nice hard dirt without corrugations & (40?) tunnels that are left as bare cut rock. And all she met was 1 bicycle!
  2. tok-tokkie

    Indian Bike Culture - Royal Enfield Modding

    Not my styling choice but beautifully conceived & executed.
  3. tok-tokkie

    My Syncro Bus

    I had to 3D print a front inside door handle for a T6 some weeks ago. So, if you know of anyone looking for one I can help.
  4. tok-tokkie

    Wilde lewe in jou tuin

    I stand corrected. Thanks.
  5. tok-tokkie

    Wilde lewe in jou tuin

    It is a soliphage. Wiki: Looks like 10 legs but 2 are actually enlarged mouth parts. Afrikaans : Bardskeerder. Because of the massive top mouth parts. Good photo here There is a...
  6. tok-tokkie

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    That 27 looks wrong. The actual jaws are a bit bigger than the 14 next to it. 17?
  7. tok-tokkie

    KTM Trouble

    It is not. It, as a motor brand, has more debt than any other - excluding VW which has even more.
  8. tok-tokkie

    Life in America - We made the move.

    That water looks lovely.
  9. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Yes heat breaks Loctite. Google the temp as it is not very hot & hot air gun can do it but engine casting conducts the heat away so it may take a bit of time. Test it out. Blue is usual & you can crack it with a spanner. Red is stronger & you have to use heat. Genuine Loctite is...
  10. tok-tokkie

    Birds of South Africa

    You are blessed. I am surprised how close to the ground the perch is.
  11. tok-tokkie

    Birds of South Africa

    Our plants are also confused. One of my George Lilies (Cyrtanthus alatus) is in flower when it should flower in spring. Doves are mating & it is the females that are initiating.
  12. tok-tokkie

    Any CNC woodworker/hobbyists lurking around?

    I really like Fusion & have written my own set of step by step notes on how to use the various commands (as I am rather forgetful). To get started I recommend an Australian course by Rowntree. I recommend his tutorials. I did them when I first got Fusion. There are 16 of them. Each step is...
  13. tok-tokkie

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Nursery music. There are lovely trees in Europe.
  14. tok-tokkie

    Life in America - We made the move.

    The vaulted roof of yesterday's first church is really special.
  15. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    It says a lot for the work you have done if it could be going 50% faster than you believed. Must be riding really nicely.
  16. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    I believe crabbing is caused by the back axle not being square to the center line of the vehicle.
  17. tok-tokkie

    Great motorcycle time-waisting videos!!!!

    Itchy Boots. Woman from the Netherlands riding through Africa. Well edited episodes so they don't drag out. She has a drone which gives good context at times.
  18. tok-tokkie

    Riding Madagascar

    My smart tv YouTube led me to Itchy Boots riding in Madagascar. The woman can sure ride. The local even more so.
  19. tok-tokkie

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Baltimore is a major port. Now blocked off by the bridge. It is going to have a huge effect on the East Coast. Lets see how long it takes them to open the port. Interesting that it happened around 1 in the morning. When do our ports work - sunrise to sunset or longer?
  20. tok-tokkie

    Life in America - We made the move.

    You are welcome to "Freedom Units". That system is quaint & archaic. That is a mighty collection though.