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  1. heinzz

    Sold Garmin Zumo 590LM Combo

    Have the following for sale: Garmin Zumo 590LM with the following: - Updated Maps - T4A 2017 SD Card - 2 x TPMS sensors (please note replacements have been discontinued by Garmin) these work and has new batteries in - 2 x Car kits with chargers and suction attachment - 1 Bike...
  2. heinzz

    1300 GS BeeMwee.

    Ek sou huilerig geraak het met die klippe wat so klap, maar die jammer kan ook net so lank aanhou as mens hom wil ry waar hy hoort. Smart bike. Het gister Pauli sin gekyk by GPS4A. Voel skoon klein teen my 800.
  3. heinzz

    How many of You commute?

    Will maybe do a Friday run to the office just to get in the weekend spirit and definitely on a Saturday if I really have to go to the office just for the sake of doing something different. Commuting with the bike to the office feels like a sin ie giving my soul away. If not what is left for the...
  4. heinzz

    Arai launches Tour X 5

    And the local agents will not service nor replace if it was imported like in the case with the TX4 previously, with good reason.
  5. heinzz

    Arai launches Tour X 5

    Die TX4 was maar net so duur toe hulle ge launch was. Het myne by die einste winkel gekoop in 2014 en nee my gat jeuk nie. Gebruik die GS helmet in elkgeval meeste vir die off-road stuff.
  6. heinzz

    Veichle disc renewal E-NATIS website. Kudos!

    Still working, 16 hours after renewal licenses got delivered to my office. Hopefully they will keep it like this. Have now only to renew next year this time..
  7. heinzz

    Top Box....Pros and Cons?

    Het eendag 'n litre Jamesons verloor/gebreek net vanaf die stoor tot by die huis (3km) en het nogal versigtig gery.:cry: Het my aan die slaap gehuil soos 'n meisie wie se boyfriend met haar beste vriendin draadgespring het. Nooit weer nie, maar dit help om die dinge met opblaas kussing vas tepak.
  8. heinzz

    Top Box....Pros and Cons?

    Tel jou been op soos hond wat teen boom wil pesss😉
  9. heinzz

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    Tom all the best and send pictures. Don’t remind the man that is walking and fighting the same mile with his shoes. Have a safe and pleasant journey.
  10. heinzz

    knife on bike for safety

    Oom Danie, I for once agree with you, some of us were unwillingly/fortunatly trained to when pulling a firearm be ready to kill a person, not for any other reason ie scaring someone off. If you are not prepared to kill that person stay clear of looking at that weapon even if you watched all the...
  11. heinzz

    1300 GS BeeMwee.

    Jou 1300 looks so lekker. Ek gaan sommer ‘n grondpadjie soek die naweek, moet net eers my bike vind en sien of hy start🙄
  12. heinzz

    Help my Bietjie Hier...

    Hy wou maar net by jou die “tiete/spene” ding gehoor het. Petri gaan volgende Sondag weer vra😜😜😜
  13. heinzz

    Tyres and Tools

    Het lekker knieg beskermers is my ry broek maar die joppie bly hondkak op die beste van tye, met stoel of bier maak nie saak nie.🙄 so op die kniee staan soos ‘n hond lyk verdag.😜
  14. heinzz

    Tyres and Tools

    Ek sit ook eers op die stoel en beplan (lees skep moed) vir die operasie voor ek begin😡🤬
  15. heinzz

    For Sale R1300GS - Various models

    plak net nie nommer "6" op, Kolisi op vir die Oos Kaap :rolleyes: of dalk Mapimps
  16. heinzz

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    Fok Tom, physio for a pulled hammie? Tell her before hand you like eating like normal people do to avoid further insults. :ROFLMAO: You visiting doctors like my mother. I over did the gym/squad session on Monday evening and struggling to walk or sit. Even going to the throne hurts. :cry: Read...
  17. heinzz

    Does anyone here know bike mechanic Johan Nel in Kimberley?

    Shame, if your wish comes true the d00s is going to be ''member less'' :ROFLMAO: Good, fuck these people that scams and waisting peoples time up
  18. heinzz

    For Sale R1300GS - Various models

    Jy is ‘n sucker vir lekke goed my Ou👍🏻 Fok electric Minis, vrou is mos klaar happy👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Nice Pierre
  19. heinzz

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Dankie, dit is wat elk gedink het met verwysing na die dal van trane... :cry: Ek hou erg baie van hulle en snaaks genoeg my Beagles is nie veel gepla met die nag-apies nie maar hulle haat kat se kind.
  20. heinzz

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Pla katte hulle nie? Ek baie erg oor die nag-apies en sal erg die morein wees as hy deur kat gevang word.