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  1. heinzz

    My first solo trip

    Ek sal sommer tuis voel Daar👍 Great pic
  2. heinzz

    My first solo trip

    No offense to my riding buddies of the past but I enjoy and have enjoyed solo trips. I tend to cover more distance not that that is the objective but can change plans on the fly as deemed nesasary. Quite comfortable praating KaK with myself for a day or three. Switching off completely from...
  3. heinzz

    Loud shirts, who buys them?

    Ek is erg allergies vir bye en bang vir Vrystaat bokke en skape wat honger is maar na die reen is ek dalk veilig.👍 Sal hom bring😉
  4. heinzz

    Loud shirts, who buys them?

    So ons gaani hemde dra wat die bye wakker maak op die Vrystaat/Bankfontein bash nie🙄
  5. heinzz

    BMW puts in bid to buy KTM !!

    When you take over a well established and recognized brand you don't change the brand but implement a business strategy that works and have worked in the past in the takeover Brand. Evaluate the IP that you acquire and see if it has value to share amongst brands. Customer base of the brand being...
  6. heinzz

    Super tenere vs GSA

    2% weight difference on a 261kg bike is nothing. The GS even if it was way more in weight picks up easier as it does not lay flat like a Sten and all the others ie 800gs.
  7. heinzz

    Loud shirts, who buys them?

    Oom Dors jy gaan vir jouself wegkruip. Gaan 'n gesukkel wees om jou by Nampo te soek🤣
  8. heinzz


    Daai winkeltjie by Breedtes was 'n wenner
  9. heinzz

    Warthog Bash April 2025 - 4 to 6 April.

    So you are planning to sleep at some point😁
  10. heinzz

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Soos ek gesê het, ek wil jou daai dorp van jou kom kyk👍 Was laas in 1978 in Fauresmith toe ONS my Oupa begrawe het.
  11. heinzz

    Lane splitting is the same as entitled cyclists who think they own the roads

    My Oom, riding a Harley is not a sport specially not in a group with marshalls, but it is lekke😉
  12. heinzz

    Warthog Bash April 2025 - 4 to 6 April.

    Ek wil jou dorp wat jy geruil het vir WesTransvaal gaan kyk Oom Dors;)
  13. heinzz

    Warthog Bash April 2025 - 4 to 6 April.

    Midday Rob, sit my ook asb op vir kamp 1persoon as Daar nog plek is. Stuur nou geldjies
  14. heinzz

    Does your bike have a name?

    I am good with faces but very bad with names so I give anything and anyone of interest a troetel or descriptive name, like example yours was Prepsol Kobus at one stage😉
  15. heinzz

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Oom, not to hijack but just ot of interest. Belongs to a friend of mine. Both unmolested and older than me and him.
  16. heinzz

    Does your bike have a name?

    My wife named them originally: - Swartwilleperd (HD) - Stofdonkie (GS). She refuse to get on this one because of the tendency to wonder off-road Now it is only the Black one or the White one:cautious:
  17. heinzz

    For Sale 2024 900GS

    Ai my vriend, amper dog ek jy bang hom daari bike😉🤣 Jy werk te hard.🙄
  18. heinzz

    KTM Trouble

    (y) I moved from a XR 500 to a KDX 450 in 1986. Removed all on the road kit except the light when it was delivered at the hostel. Was more scared of that bike in the beginning than the hell but I learned to respect it quickly. The KDX was delivered from a dealership in Carletonville as that was...
  19. heinzz

    Bezuidenhouts Pass in the wet

    In case I was riding a KTM if the sadist couldn’t swing a spanner well as he does, I wouldn’t even talk to him😜
  20. heinzz

    Bezuidenhouts Pass in the wet

    Sometimes you can help others and other times, you help others by surviving. BP never again👍🏻