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  1. heinzz

    Bezuidenhouts Pass in the wet

    I have done Bezuidenhouts pass twice one day, long time ago.....the first time and the last time🤬
  2. heinzz

    800GSA Rims

    I would definitely use the opportunity and do the insurance thing. This is amongst others why you have it. It can be repaired though. And no, the standard rims are not that shit but excel might be cheaper and better for it.
  3. heinzz

    Footpeg Diaries

    Was baie nice 👍
  4. heinzz

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Not mine but the inlaws’ (old furniture) on the farm. She survived a snakebite (Rinkhals) two years ago and now the natives are shit scared of her. Believe the snake poison is still in her incase she bites. :ROFLMAO:
  5. heinzz

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Sy is ‘n mooi dier👍🏻
  6. heinzz

    1 Spoor Avonture DSTV

    Jip, Seker jammer, maar sonder die geadverteerdery is Daar niks vir jou om tekyk behalwe 1,2,3 en E as dit nog bestaan nie nevermind Afrikaans nie. Dalk maar by die draadloos luister maar daar is ook advertensies. Iemand moet vir die produksie petaal.
  7. heinzz

    Snake Photos

    Don't worry, venomous or not, I wouldn't have stayed around and asked him what is his name never mind talking Fotos🤣
  8. heinzz

    Footpeg Diaries

    Maki saaki, moet tog net nie ophou met die goete wat jy aanjaag nie👍👍 Daai John aka Tau word ook net groter. Hy lyk gesond.
  9. heinzz

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Mens is vir hulle lief maar die hel weet hulle kan kak aanjaag😉
  10. heinzz

    For Sale BMW F800gs 2018, 4269Km, R110,000.00 - SOLD

    It is for sure less what I paid for a brand new 800gs in 2011
  11. heinzz

    KTM’s parent group is insolvent.

    Agree, Harley, Triumph and Indian have saw their ass numerous times through the years and still they come alive when the market allows.
  12. heinzz

    Why shorty levers on a f 800 gs? any benefits/ pros,cons

    Like you say, it is a personal preference. For me I would even cut the standards at the breaking zone without the adjusting ability of the aftermarket shorties. I like the shorties
  13. heinzz

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    I also love this but got lost when he moved from "punte, rotar and plugs". I do however appreciate the patience whether he has time on his hands or not👍👍
  14. heinzz


    Fortunately Traffic department have as the roads in the estates are public roads within an access controlled area. Although I have never seen a traffic official in the estate only SAPS in the 20+ years I have lived in one. Law enforcement doesn't stop at the gates of the estate regardless what...
  15. heinzz

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Het gister 'n Mini wat lyk net soos joune, gesien op 'n trailor hier in Centurion. ;)
  16. heinzz

    1 Spoor Avonture DSTV

    Wag maar vir Leatt se launch van hul nuwe crocs/slops🤣
  17. heinzz

    Short History of Adventure bikes

    se my net waar dit is. Ek like dit om af tedraai na 'n local bos pub vir 'n bier maar het dit ook al teveel gedoen om 2km af tedraai net om tesien niemand is by die huis of die bier is warm.
  18. heinzz

    Short History of Adventure bikes

    waar is die plek?
  19. heinzz

    Oooooh $&@? moment

    Kry vir jou 'n Booster bedryf dan sal dit sin maak. ;) Ek like jou nuwe bike baie maar die tower met die head lamps van die vorige een het dit maar net vir my gedoen (y)
  20. heinzz

    Griet die ou GS ...... Tips/Trips/Tricks/Pics and General Bla Bla Bla

    Ek sê gereeld vir my vrou daar is ‘n paar lede van haar skoonfamilie wat ek niks like nie en ek weet waarvan ek praat want ek ken hulle langer as sy😂