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  1. heinzz

    Griet die ou GS ...... Tips/Trips/Tricks/Pics and General Bla Bla Bla

    Jou vrou se skoon familie is mos seker jou familie?🤣🤣🤣😂
  2. heinzz

    1 Spoor Avonture DSTV

    Ja ek kyk dit ook al is ek nie 'n getroue volgeling nie. Die advertensies is wat dit is en so reeks kos geld en tyd om te vervaardig. @Hollywood kan daarvan getuig. Sal nou nie ophou kyk as een van die "vetties" omval nie. Het dit al baie gesien. ;) Hulle audience is baie groter as net die paar...
  3. heinzz

    USA Bike Culture - Choppers

    I have ape hanger handelbars on my HD. The first thing I changed on the bike when I bought it. A lot more comfortable than the standard handelbars it came with and it looks silly/mean
  4. heinzz

    Noneking’s 890 R Rally Thread

    I would like to see how the protection vinal holding up on the fuel tanks. I could never get them holding even with perforation.
  5. heinzz

    Rule(s) for overtaking an 'ahead' rider on dirt roads

    Gear down, en maak spore in order to create a dust gap for the rider you have overtaken not to be seen again.😉
  6. heinzz

    Just passed my learner's 🙌

    or 22years for that matter in my case :rolleyes: get it over and done with
  7. heinzz

    My gat jeuk vir n Scooter

    Jou gatkrap vir ‘n klein bike wil lyk my nie verdwyn nie😳 Krap hom nou maar dan is dit oor🥃
  8. heinzz

    Black Horse Brewery & Distillery

  9. heinzz

    GPS for bikes

    It is a gps build for motorfietse. It works. I am currently use 2 gps’s. Etrex 32x and xt2. Etrex with trax4africa and XT for mostly other functions than routing and tracking. 90% of the time I like deviating from the intended/planned route or track and the the gps’s help me with that. Except...
  10. heinzz

    Show us your F800GS

    Like so, had the CF variation
  11. heinzz

    Show us your F800GS

    Jip, works brilliant. Great solution that looked much better than the touratech solution. Even with the screen adjusted in its lowest position
  12. heinzz

    Show us your F800GS

    Looks like a modified Mirage 2 fairing/console from Canada
  13. heinzz

    1 Spoor Avonture DSTV

    Like so😜
  14. heinzz

    1 Spoor Avonture DSTV

    Agree, but believe the audience must be much wider than the few of us doing some sort of adventure riding and or riding at all. Showing some of the spectacular places you can ride gives my wife (as an example) an idea of why we do it. If she saw Pierre's Footpeg Diaries or Cansius' vids I might...
  15. heinzz

    1 Spoor Avonture DSTV

    lyk my nie so nie ;) nie die keer nie, maar Andre val om so nou en dan. Hy moet dalk daat HD se suspensie laer stel. Het die HD so bietjie bekyk to ek so paar weke terug by HD was vir ‘n service kit vir my bike. Lyk en voel klein teen die GS.
  16. heinzz

    Noneking’s 890 R Rally Thread

    Easy, believe it or not, I know about the same one standing here in PTA with 320km on. He traded his "old" Rally like your current bike with 1800km on the odo. Work and lives in Switzerland and only visit SA November and December each year🥺
  17. heinzz

    Noneking’s 990 thread

    Dit is mos hoe ‘n spuls hings lyk😉
  18. heinzz

    Lowvelders to the Richtersveld

    Nice trip and pics. Rule nr 1, don't fiddle with your stuff the night before. I have left cameras etc at home numerous times because of that. Have you bought one of those 360 cameras yet?? Think you will make magic vids with that.👍
  19. heinzz

    2015 F800 GSA exhaust

    Gaan soek KaK/gesels/give advice to Oom Danie @2StrokeDan , hy mis jou.😆 and feel free to share your wealth of knowledge. He has taught you well🤣 And if you read properly you will remember that I do use earplugs
  20. heinzz

    2015 F800 GSA exhaust

    Really? Sensitive ears and being deaf (hard hearing) not the same thing😆