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  1. heinzz

    2015 F800 GSA exhaust

    Jip, nie eers Bok van Blerk of Spoegwolf in my ore help na 100km nie. Voel of die klank my after teen my helmet slaan. Dalk ACDC try. My ore is maar net sensitive vir dit. Maklik genoeg on die trilletjie terug te sit.
  2. heinzz

    2015 F800 GSA exhaust

    Because it eco and driving me crazy and don't tell me to put earplugs as it doesn't filter for the sound of the Akro🥴 Gives me a hangover headache
  3. heinzz

    2015 F800 GSA exhaust

    I am also running the Akro, normally without the DB killer. When doing trips with panniers the first thing that goes back in is the DB killer.
  4. heinzz

    Bike Fishing Setup

    PVC pipe attached with cable ties. Looks funny but it works. My rod was a 3pc 15inch Loomes
  5. heinzz

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Seker, maar solank julle nie opgee nie is ek happy. Volwasse manne julle (y) nie oud nie
  6. heinzz

    When you work for 30/30

    Daai man sou nie opgestaan het as dit my hek was nie en sy kollega sou spore gemaak het sonder sy fiets🤣 Dit is hulle trick daai by van die estates, en stop by die hek sodat hy oop gaan en die Ander fluit verby. Die man se timing was bietjie uit
  7. heinzz

    My favourite bike pix

    Ai Oompie 😋 jy moes nooit die ADV of daai lava orange 800GS verkoop het nie never mind die Tenere. :rolleyes: As 'n klip nie die kraperigheid beter maak nie moet mens mos maar altyd 'n ander fietsie koop. Het ook nog my orange/geel tentjie soos joune. Ek verlang daai eerste 800 van my.
  8. heinzz

    What are our bikes worth?

    Jip, 96 c/inch. Got it insured for 120k. Got a garage full of clip on HD accessories like panniers, sissy bar, screen and 3 x seats. Thank you👍
  9. heinzz

    What are our bikes worth?

    Got asked the same question by the insurance the other day but don't have a clue. Re the milage I thought I am bad but you guys are worse specially the area where you live for HD biking. I have a 2007 Dyna Super glide with 30,000km on it🥺
  10. heinzz

    My kleinboet took a tumble in Lesotho.

    Sterkte en vrede Rob, vir jou en jou familie en mag die herinneringe vir julle troos bring om met dankbaarheid te verlang
  11. heinzz

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Hmmmm, lag in my mou. Ek voel elke maand jou pyn maar is ook seker my gediertes hou meer van mieliepap met lewer of niertjies. Dit is hulle einde van die maand of verjaardag kos. Baie goedkoper as die winkel kos @R130/kg:cautious:
  12. heinzz

    Noneking’s 890 R Rally Thread

    Mine is lazy. She doesn't want to touch my bike🤬 but I also don't trust her with a Dremel near my bike.
  13. heinzz

    The OOSTFIN "Sethuthuthu" Weekend, 11 - 13 October 2024

    Ek het nogal geding om die "party" te gatecrash maar sien dt is nog vêr in die toekoms🥺
  14. heinzz

    For Sale Dual USB Charger

    Righardt ek sal hom neem. Stuur vir jou whatsapp. Dink ek het nog jou bank details maar stuur maar net weer as bevestiging.
  15. heinzz

    WELCOME to the Ducati Desert X Thread!

    Very pretty indeed.👍
  16. heinzz

    Dorsland RR indeks

    Nee koek, lyk nie of aftree vir my gaan werk nie🙄 Ek moet darem elke nag so 2 ure anderkant die man gaan kuier.
  17. heinzz


    Nope, "used" gear oil😆
  18. heinzz


    Nobody mentions Wurth dry chain lube?? Is it kak? Not flinging at all only problem is I spay it every 300km. I put bike on center stand, kick it in first gear and give the chain a spray. Have been doing it for the last 20k km.
  19. heinzz


    Jip, but there is a pretty lekke grondpad tussen Sonop en Beestekraal.
  20. heinzz

    Wrist problems.

    Then that "stingel" of his is going to pla him erg😆