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  1. Munger

    1190 R Unifilter kits

    Only one set as I was in a hurry to get my service done. But it is really easy to order. Go on Unifilter website, select your product, pay with credit card and Bobs your uncle...
  2. Munger

    1190R front fender decal kit design template wanted

    Baie goeie ondervinding met Racestar gehad, wou custom sticker kit gehad het en hulle het regtig goeie werk gedoen.
  3. Munger

    1190 R Unifilter kits

    So my Unifilter kit het geland so 20 dae na ek dit bestel het. Het vir 10 dae in JHB customs gele voordat dit Kaap toe gestuur is. Ek is een happy chappie, R935 courier, VAT en invoer belasting ingesluit. Ek het geweet dit is 'n k@# storie toe die verkoopsman vir my gese het "I cannot give you a...
  4. Munger

    DSD Facebook shop now open

    Hi WD's Check out DSD's Facebook shop @ for very competitive prices. All available accessories will be uploaded over the next few weeks and website to follow. Cheers Dual Sport Design team
  5. Munger

    Honda CRF Rally accessories

    Hi all No luck with the CRF Rally. Chris, please give me a shout when you get a local client that requires accessories, we can make a special arrangement price wise.
  6. Munger

    Wings exhausts

    I installed a Scortch Berserker, growls like a beast and was very affordable at R4900. Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  7. Munger

    1190 R Unifilter kits

    Klink na n plan Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  8. Munger

    1190 R Unifilter kits

    Ek kan Unifilter kit van Aus af kry vir onder R900 shipping in gesluit. Glad nie n bad opsie nie 5 tot 10 dae lead time. Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  9. Munger

    1190 R Unifilter kits

    Ok thx for the help. PM'ed Molten and emailed Unifilter
  10. Munger

    1190 R Unifilter kits

    Where can I get my hands on a Unifilter kit for my 1190? Phoned KTM Cape Town, no stock. Phoned RAD , no stock and cannot give ETA (Precise words : "It might take months")  :-\
  11. Munger

    Saldanha tot Sishen

    Ek beplan die trip vir die 16de Maart as jy wou join. Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  12. Munger

    Saldanha tot Sishen

    Dankie Matewis, ek sal jou laat weet as my beplanning finaal is. Ek het gister rondgebel tot ek die regte man ini hande gekry het, ek moes n "motivational letter" stuur hoekom ek die pad wou ry. Nou sit ek in afwagting op Transnet... Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  13. Munger

    Saldanha tot Sishen

    Ek wil graag weer hierdie topic wakker maak. Het jy 'n permit nodig om hierdie roete te doen? Wil graag van Brandvlei af terug Saldanah se kant toe ry.
  14. Munger


    Hi Deon Installed my spots the other day. Dual Sport Designs will have the brackets available in the next few weeks, busy with testing. The brackets mounts below the headlight to ensure you have sufficient height on the lights. Mounting the spots to the crashbars is a recipe for disaster I...
  15. Munger

    BASHPLATE 1290

    Hi ETS If you are not able to source one and it differs from the 1190 and 1090, we will manufacture one for you. Here is a example of what we did for the new Versys 300 ...
  16. Munger

    1090 R - Starting a new relationship

    Unfortunately I own a 1190... :) Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  17. Munger

    1090 R - Starting a new relationship

    Slowly getting there, will post update once I'm happy with the design and made up a sample.
  18. Munger

    DSD product available : KTM 1190 wide footpegs

    Footpegs available in bead blast or electro polished finish. Old vs new...
  19. Munger

    DSD product available : KTM 1190 wide footpegs

    Hi WD's For any queries about our products please contact me at [email protected] . Cheers Munger
  20. Munger

    R very twitchy after new rear

    Very interested in the Tractionator, so watching this post closely... Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk