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  1. Munger

    Dual Sport Designs now official WD vendor

    Hi WD's We are very excited to announce that DSD is now a official WD vendor. We will be bringing you new and exciting products focused on quality and functionality. Have a look at our Facebook and Instagram
  2. Munger

    1090 Tool tube brackets

    Ok, tested the tool tube brackets this weekend. Works like a charm. Check out the pics :
  3. Munger

    1090 Tool tube brackets

    Hi Rossi, yes we do. Waiting for our vendor approval for forum but it is available from Flying Brick. Check out DualSportDesigns on Facebook for all the 1190 parts. Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  4. Munger

    1090 Tool tube brackets

    Received the first tooltube bracket prototype. I'm going to experiment with bending angles on the bracket so watch this space...
  5. Munger

    1090 Tool tube brackets

    First prototype of tool tube brackets should arrive in the next day or so. Busy with pannier bracket design, should be completed in week or 2 but will post a update. Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  6. Munger

    Oasis Spitbraai 11 November 2017

    Hi Gerrit Laat weet as daar nog 'n tent oopgaan, SHOTGUN! Groete Munger
  7. Munger

    1090 Tool tube brackets

    Great idea! I am very excited about a new pannier bracket design that im busy with. With this design you can integrate jerry cans, tool holders or tube and basically attach any accessory effortlessly. Give me a few weeks and i will have a prototype or 2 ready... Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  8. Munger

    1090 Tool tube brackets

    Hi m0lt3n Certainly not the final design, waiting for my 1190 to come back from a new exhaust fitment then I will start getting the design finalized. Will keep you guys posted. Munger
  9. Munger

    1090 Tool tube brackets

    Hi WD's Would anyone be interested in tool tube brackets for the 1090 / 1190 /1290  (see pic). The idea is for the brackets to be compatible with any accessory that you have on the back, either top box or luggage plate. The tool tubes can either be fitted facing upward or downwards. I'm...
  10. Munger

    Cowley exhaust

    Had a Cowley on my Tiger 800, was very happy with the sound and performance. Bought it for R750 and melted 2 indicators at R812.50 each. Talk about penny wise pound foolish... Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  11. Munger

    Free sidestand platform anyone?

    Hi WDs I need a Triumph tiger XCX to use as sample bike for manufacturing a sidestand platform. We are situated in Wellington so someone close by will be preferable. Deal is to supply the bike for a week, max 2 weeks and we give the parts we developed for free. Cheers Munger Sent from my...
  12. Munger

    1090/1190 Adv R sub frame protection

    Should be around R1000 but will need to confirm after I finished the design. Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  13. Munger

    1090/1190 Adv R sub frame protection

    Above is example of BMW 1200 LC that we manufactured. Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  14. Munger

    1090/1190 Adv R sub frame protection

    Dual sport designs is busy with a SS frame protector for the 1190. Should be finished in 2 or so weeks time. You can buy it through Flying Brick so will keep them updated. See pic. Cheers Munger Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  15. Munger

    1190 Accessories

    To draw and manufacture the ABS pickup would be easy. To get the setting correct is another story but it can be done. Would certainly not cost a arm and a leg. Let me look into it.
  16. Munger

    1190 Accessories

    Will certainly consider the CAT heatshield. Why is it neccessary to replace the ABS pickup?
  17. Munger

    Any local bash plate makers for KTM 1190R

    Estimated cost for 1190 sump gaurd is around R2500.
  18. Munger

    Any local bash plate makers for KTM 1190R

    Im busy with Kawasaki versys 300 luggage plate, so should have a costing ready in the next week or so. Will keep you posted Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  19. Munger

    1190 Accessories

    Hi WDs Any 1190 accessories that you might be interested that is not available on the South African market? Done a few accessories for the 1190 like luggage plate, sidestand platform, screen adjusting bracket ect. Cheers Munger Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk
  20. Munger

    Any local bash plate makers for KTM 1190R

    Anyone still interested in the sump guard? Might be next on our production schedule if there is a demand. Sent from my F5321 using Tapatalk