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  1. Piston Pete

    Looking at getting a third bike - which one?

    Good choice. Nothing to frenetic either but responds when asked to  :thumleft:
  2. Piston Pete


    Priced correctly and taking into consideration class, market segment, DNA and aspirational value it's gonna attract a whole lot of riders irrespective of current brands & motor size you already have It might just devour into others market share
  3. Piston Pete

    Pipe car conversion - rebuild to MAD road RAD!

    Well done! ;D That carb looks so nice it should be in a display case  :biggrin:
  4. Piston Pete

    Meanwhile in Canada 🇨🇦

    I was chatting to an attorney the other day, young guy, and mentioned overseas opportunities for him...nada...nil. He would have to study again as the law systems are completely different. I asked about a bridging course but he was a negative on that. Maybe someone knows something?
  5. Piston Pete

    Something unique wanted

    The most beautiful the world...
  6. Piston Pete

    Looking at getting a third bike - which one?

    There's a pre-loved CRF250Rally at Cayenne in Paarden Island. 70 something k
  7. Piston Pete

    Looking for hen's teeth - 130/70-17

    One would think they common as can be! Try Autocycle  in CT 021 552 1859
  8. Piston Pete

    Bolt / Screw descriptions

    :thumleft: I was to lazy to bring up a chart  :lol8:
  9. Piston Pete

    Meanwhile in Canada 🇨🇦

    Looks like they need warming up....
  10. Piston Pete

    Alexander Nel (Camelman) ........

    RIP Alex May your legend continue
  11. Piston Pete

    Bolt / Screw descriptions

    Top of the head...tensile 4.5 5.4 8.8 9.9 10.9 12.9 ? Correct Nuts are always less tensile as they are sacrifcial
  12. Piston Pete

    Buying a LC8 990/950: things to look out for

    Of all the places you have been you are going to love 9500rpm the most...
  13. Piston Pete

    CRF250 Rally/DS

    I saw one at Cayenne this morning & gave it a quick squizz....looks well made, is very tall and looks the business. Now i understand  :biggrin: btw MV Augusta make the most beautiful bikes ever!
  14. Piston Pete

    Samsung vs Apple = KTM vs Bmw

    Now you can plak a KTM sticker on your car....only BMW riders put Apple stickers..
  15. Piston Pete

    Watch out for those corners

    Leka eina ne!! Dam corners... Heal up quick  :thumleft:
  16. Piston Pete

    Buying a LC8 990/950: things to look out for

    One really has to ride smoothly to drop consumption. Early braking, smooth know the drill. Problem is it's leka to hear those pipes working..
  17. Piston Pete

    Buying a LC8 990/950: things to look out for

    Fuel consumption is horrific....usually directly linked to the throttle
  18. Piston Pete

    Great service-BMW Donford Cape Town

    Giving you the 1200 will certainly mess with your you feeling now?