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  1. W

    Hamba Gathle All Wild Dogs

    ride safe, looking forward to the report!
  2. W

    What's next for LS: Time for a change? Yes or No?

    get the tenere. you are what you are!
  3. W

    The green Kalahari, with SAND ja...

    lekker ene, perde  :thumleft:
  4. W

    Adventure bike test- Tenere,TA 700 and 800 GS

    bloody hell! another fluffer!
  5. W

    Wild dog down.

    all the best cg!
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    Adventure bike test- Tenere,TA 700 and 800 GS

    at least they did not mention 'gay'
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    Riding in the Road works section

    the one may be illegal, though
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    Riding in the Road works section

    if you do prang your bike on such a stretch, i take it that there may be problems with insurance as well?
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    Toll gates

    i don't agree with the method, same style as, eg taxis. i would have been really pissed off if i had to wait for the bikers to clear the gates.
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    BMW R7

  11. W

    MOVED: African Enduro

    This topic has been moved to 'Roll of Honour' - Best Ride Reports.
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    Transalp XL650V

    sounds correct! don't know whether the pipe alone would make a noticable difference. a buddy of mine had a good pipe on and had it rejetted, same range as my standard one. some guys in the uk claimed that rejetting it with a specific model made a noticable difference wrt fuel consumption - seems...
  13. W

    BMW Dealership not interested in doing business.

    wrt the vat, yes, you do pay on a 2nd hand car if bought from a vat registered dealer. the dealer, however, would have claimed vat on the purchase price (i.e. what he bought it for), so the dealer will pay vat only on the value added by him. if the dealer does not take the vat claimed into...
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    BMW Dealership not interested in doing business.

    don't know whether it was intended, but put a grin on my face. and icm, no, you cannot eat it, but generally today you can stick it up your arse! wrt the issue, i think any dealer has the right not to grant discount, it is up to the customer to choose where to shop. the way it was said by the...
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    Hows this for gorgeous!

    don't like them. the integration between old and new does not flow, one can identify the old look parts and the new look parts.
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    I guess it had to happen sometime. Just didn't think it would be like this...

    sorry to hear this, at least you got off light! ps: good description of events
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    who is more sensitive about their brands?

    i disagree. generally, klr owners go to great lenghts to ensure that they are perceived to be thus, and more ;-) thus protecting the brand of the klr rider
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    at least your ears are clean then...until you compress the plug with the wax from a few weeks of riding!
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    First Report. 2 Hours in the Cradle

    to think that the roads in the kromdraai area were gravel not so long ago... some cool pics  :thumleft:
  20. W

    Puddles 14 Day Karoo and West Coast Trip

    great trip and report  :thumleft: