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  1. W

    Another "what bike for me?" post

    at 140 you'll get aabout 13k's to a litre. stock standard, it is not a powerful bike, taking into consideration its weight. but, on the open road, the weight certainly counts in its favour for a smooth ride. and that's probably it about the ta - an inconspicuously smooth ride on gravel and tar...
  2. W

    Another "what bike for me?" post

    the 650 will sit at 140, packed, the whole day. but, it will be a bit heavy on the juice. must admit, reading these posts my first conclusion was that you should seriously consider the ta650.
  3. W

    Peaches' Progress

    well done peaches! now for the final healing  ;) a new bike would certainly take care of it!
  4. W

    A little ride around the country-side

    cool stuff idr! really enjoyed the report  :thumright: ps: so, how does your boyfriend feel about all of this?  >:D
  5. W

    Handling a 650GS when you are waaayyy too short?

    my wife is about 1,55m. to get her onto the gs we had all the lowering settings made and pretty much cut most of the foam of the seat out at an upholsterer. the seat is now slightly better than that of a sbike, but she has done 1300km on a day without complaints.
  6. W

    My confession...

    hopefully not a pillion for too long before you get your own! welcome!
  7. W

    Newbie on the block!

    welcome and enjoy! luckily you won't be measured by the neighbours that you keep  ;D
  8. W

    Handing over the Sanwild money collected by Wilddogs - 24 May 2008

    ag nee! got to be in jhb the 24th  :-[
  9. W

    23 April, 745pm, riding into CTown: 525 KTM

    who knows? maybe, just once the nutter will recall lito's words, back off and save a life. but, we'll never know will we? at least now there is a chance.
  10. W

    WD Shop , how's it doing?

    got my stuff after 3 days, personalised, delivered! thanks oetie!
  11. W

    Solo tour: The Buff and the E, S, W & N Cape (highlights... and a lowlight too!)

    great riding! seems like you are really putting the tigger through its paces  ;)
  12. W

    Bikerology 101a

    green (dominant) and blue intj on idr's link
  13. W

    My DARK SIDE conversion....

    congrats adv! wrt michnus' chirp regarding blue pilletjies, i guess you won't need them anymore!
  14. W


    that is one beautiful machine  8)
  15. W

    Redone down

    good to hear you're ok  :) all the best for the mistress
  16. W

    Wiehann went down ...

    all the best, hope he recovers well
  17. W the smell of desert in the morning - Southern Nam August 07

    you make it all look so easy, love it!
  18. W

    The Return

    still living on the disc, i see. love your reports, always gives me a good chuckle, but then, on the absolute small scale of small talk this comment must rate minus quite a lot  ;)
  19. W

    Riding alone on dirt - Opinions please

    be prepared for minor mishaps, puncture, water/oil leak, broken cables, some fuses, what else? also, make sure you know something about the mechanical side of the bike, start with knowing how to remove the tank to get to the air filter -- sorry, only on the ta  :angry5: