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  1. Bappas

    KTM’s parent group is insolvent.

    He is rich because he does not buy rubbish 😂😂
  2. Bappas

    CF Moto 800 MTX

    Another nail in the KTM coffin
  3. Bappas

    KTM’s parent group is insolvent.

    Except if the distribution collapses but that might be a opertunity for someone they make bikes most of the parts are done by others
  4. Bappas

    KTM’s parent group is insolvent.

    You mean “spares will be unavailable as per normal”😂😂
  5. Bappas

    MotoGP 2025

    They can just buy a stugeling KTM and rebrand 😂
  6. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    That I do not know
  7. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    Their sales are not good!
  8. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    Net so terloops my 640 vibrasie probleem wat almal het was so te se weg na n Pro X piston en conrod kit “ Made in Japan” 😂 Van my vriende met 640 s het ook met hom gery en komentaar was beste 640 noq 😂
  9. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    As mens natuurlik nie probleme het nie 😟 Baie Baie van my 640 gehou maar eintlik k@k kwaliteit
  10. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    I have had them all over the years just a opinion but best is still Yamaha from personal experiance
  11. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    Ek het al drie gehad en stem defnitief nie saam nie😂😂😂
  12. Bappas

    KTM’s parent group is insolvent.

    The world is full of stupid people
  13. Bappas

    KTM’s parent group is insolvent.

    And they need a lot of spares😂
  14. Bappas

    Proof that KTM is stronger than a LandCruiser 💪😜

    Same sht diffrent brand😂😂
  15. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    Yes and no Correct There should have been cutbacks on the engineering side long ago! look at the amount of models useless features and this lead to unafordabillity that lead to outsoursing that lead to quality problems Unsucesfull MotoGP program taking focus away from your root racing program...
  16. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    If the engineers were doing a proper job the accountants could have stayed away😂😂😟
  17. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    Interesting when I posted this in August how many was in total denial because they are so into the brand name. KTM and Toyota can do nothing wrong 😂
  18. Bappas

    My Syncro Bus

    At the time I had a fetish for the 3.2 Oeinger 6 cyl but !!! Bit out of my price range😂
  19. Bappas

    My Syncro Bus

    I had the 2.6 Oetinger engine in both of mine ran like a dream ample power