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  1. Bappas

    Toyota - is the badge still worth the effort?

    Ek het al 7 gehad 😂5 nuut gekoop dink nog steeds dit is💩
  2. Bappas

    Toyota - is the badge still worth the effort?

    Do you not live in SouthAfrica?😂
  3. Bappas

    Toyota - is the badge still worth the effort?

    It is amazing how stupid people can be to support a brand! Even willing to put their family at risk!
  4. Bappas


    This still the answer
  5. Bappas

    The Chinese tsunami

    Goeie voorbeeld ruk terug ML skokbrekers mercedes was R 50k koop toe op die web van n ou in Amerika! R16 k met shipping kom hier aan vanaf china met MB part nommers half af gegrind 😂 Scarry!
  6. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    Villain or not the little man can ride a bike
  7. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    Dit kan miskien goed of sleg wees vir die span maar defnetief goed vir ons as toeskouers
  8. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    You got my drift though😂
  9. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    Not no shit P O S bike feel sorry for Brad having made his bed with KTM wasting his best years
  10. Bappas

    Cam Wear. Any examples in SA?

    They do not need to fix it ! There is enough stupid people to buy KTM! Been there done that got the T Shirt!
  11. Bappas

    Need advise on gps and nav

    The old one had Garmin memory cards small and expensive
  12. Bappas

    Need advise on gps and nav

    😂Me too had two but one was unfortunately stolen
  13. Bappas

    Need advise on gps and nav

    Suspect that is why they brought it back without the old drawbacks like memory cards
  14. Bappas

    Need advise on gps and nav

    They made a new one
  15. Bappas

    Need advise on gps and nav

    Might be a lot of money but! Garmin 276 CX You will not buy again
  16. Bappas

    Yamaha cheating in bike tests

    Toyota het n baie groot belang in Yamaha😂
  17. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    Can not agree more think Acosta is in the MM realm
  18. Bappas

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Who honed the cyl’s? Did you check piston/bore clearance the pistons indicate oil that wets the carbon that is then burned of Compression can be 100% and you can be burning oil compression indicate compression rings is ok but oil rings can not be ok That can be due to piston rocking in the bore...
  19. Bappas

    Bikes that have escaped the legend tax

    Sowel as engine ontwerp!