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  1. Bappas

    Bike Finance BS?

    They need to finance they kickback
  2. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    I suspect he might be fighting for the championship this year not many of his calibre around
  3. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    Think this is very true words
  4. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    I know I might be shot for this but! I would like to see who will perform when they take away all the aero aids and electronics suspect Brad might be up there as well as Fabio and Marques always outperforming others on similar machines
  5. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    Who can forget the Babsfontein GP going for that first gate :ROFLMAO:
  6. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    You may be right in saying that but I do think the team thinks different
  7. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    Pol is not providing the experience factor to the Gas Gas team anymore and I am of the opinion that that is most of the reason for the move that and the fact that he is not pushing Brad anymore ad to that that Acosta should learn from a more experienced rider and Brad should be able to provide...
  8. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    Acosta is the upcoming star well KTM hope so. He will benefit from Brad s setup experience of the bike and hopefully push Brad a little as well That is most probably KTM s reasoning also just my 10 cents
  9. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    Miller is a has been! Acosta can most probably learn and be motivated by Brad s performance Just my 10c
  10. Bappas

    YZ 250 'delivery bike'.

    Ask your friendly accountant I claimed vat but paid vat on the sh sales to keep accountant happyo
  11. Bappas

    YZ 250 'delivery bike'.

    Sponsor yourself Advertising that is what I did back in the day ! You might be stupid to sponsor a bad rider but 😂 F the tax man
  12. Bappas

    Bikes that you never knew existed

    Saw this the other day
  13. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    I am I actually like him and hope he realise his potential
  14. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    DB15 seems to have found something
  15. Bappas

    Sold Husqvarna 650 Terra

    Where are you my son might be interested
  16. Bappas

    Which GPS?

    There is still only one! Garmin 276
  17. Bappas

    Fuel Price

    This is unfortunately very true
  18. Bappas

    Garage mishaps!!!

    Been there done that got the T shirt😂
  19. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    MM comes to mind if he does not kill himself
  20. Bappas

    MotoGP 2023

    Maybe it will force engineering away from electronics building more manageable engine s?