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  1. Bappas

    Oooooh $&@? moment

    Het so n oomblik in Bots gehad moelik gewas aan daardie onderbroek
  2. Bappas

    Two Stroke - case reed induction vs rotary valves

    Old versus new tech reeds was just not good at the time materials got better
  3. Bappas

    My Syncro Bus

    I had two syncro s 1 combi 1 carravele very nice cars but boy do not get gearbox problems
  4. Bappas

    For Sale CHEAP KTM 1190 ADVENTURE R .... stay far far away

    😂Stayed with me came from another province to work here
  5. Bappas

    For Sale CHEAP KTM 1190 ADVENTURE R .... stay far far away

    Actually had someone boasting to me that he does haircuts for WBC
  6. Bappas

    KTM 1390 ADV 2025

    And then there is the forever crying about BMW s getting bigger and heavier😂😂😂 Mine is bigger than yours😂😂
  7. Bappas

    Why dont we get this bike in SA?

    Like my Honda boat part I paid for 3 months ago not here yet😂😂
  8. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    Looks like we will have MM93 dominated 2025 my bet is he will be champion in 2025
  9. Bappas

    Brake Discs

  10. Bappas

    Brake Discs

    I pressed the rivers and that solved lost my for a long while until I had to do it again
  11. Bappas

    Countries with the most motorcycles in the world..

    When I was in Malaysia a couple of years ago I was taken aback by the amount and the use of bikes
  12. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    Brad has a problem next year!
  13. Bappas

    MotoGP 2024

    Not a single KTM in the top ten Brad should have left that P O S bike and team when he had the chance
  14. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    KTM recently faced a massive financial loss of $2.5 billion, raising concerns about the company’s future. Owned by Pierer Mobility Group, KTM is restructuring to address this crisis by cutting costs, scaling back racing efforts, and reducing manufacturing output. This includes eliminating the...
  15. Bappas


    Daar is nie meer MANNE wat kortbroek en plakkies kan ry nie😂 Sekker maar soos die kinders van vandag😂
  16. Bappas

    Toyota - is the badge still worth the effort?

    Kan onthou hie moes ek daai bakkies roei met die gearlever as jy erens wou kom en natuurlik die prys van parte maar dit is n kar sonder n siel Doen seker wat dit moet maar dit ook al
  17. Bappas

    Toyota - is the badge still worth the effort?

    Ook al almal gehad toevalig n KTM by jou gekoop 😂
  18. Bappas

    Toyota - is the badge still worth the effort?

    Was daai tyd seker so dom soos die gemidelde 💩 eienaar