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  1. M

    Market for high end helmets

    I strongly believe in buying a high end helmet. If I fall off, I want my pip protected. My wife and I went to Meiringspoort end of Feb and she fell while carrying our helmets, I put in and insurance claim and they replaced our helmets in April with Shoei GT-Air 2s which in my opinion is the...
  2. M

    2x Shoei GT-Air 2

    Bump. R8k neg.
  3. M

    2x Shoei GT-Air 2

    BUMP Offers?
  4. M

    2x Shoei GT-Air 2

    As mentioned in the title, I've got 2 Shoei GT-Air 2 helmets for sale, both medium. I've traded my bike in on a hot hatch, so the helmets must go. My wife & I got them in April, they've really been worn a handful of times. Bought them at Trac-Mac in Paarden Eiland. One is the Insignia Blue -...
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    Cardo Freecom 4

    Cardo Freecom 4 3 years old R1500 (ONCO) Somerset West It was in my old Shoei GT-Air. I've upgraded to the new one and I'm gonna buy the Sena that's made for the Gt-Air 2.
  6. M

    Anyone in CT/Somerset West with a bike with a sidecar?

    Dankie!! Laat weet wanneer julle dit kan doen, dan reel ons dit. As julle vd Oos Kaap deurkom, kan jule ook vir 'n aand of 2 by ons oorslaap. My sel nr is nil 79 drie19 vier 5 sewe 3.
  7. M

    Anyone in CT/Somerset West with a bike with a sidecar?

    If you'd like to attend, you're welcome to. You're a lekker oke ;)
  8. M

    Anyone in CT/Somerset West with a bike with a sidecar?

    Hy verjaar die 10de Mei en hy's so 1.5m (so lank soos n 14 jarige seun) en hy weeg so 35kg.
  9. M

    Anyone in CT/Somerset West with a bike with a sidecar?

    Hi Dogs, My son is turning 18 in May, and I'd like to take him on a breakfast run with myself and my wife for his birthday. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but Rikus has Cerebral Palsy and wheelchair bound. So I'd like for him to be able to sit with Mamma in the sidecar while we go for...
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    Barry Sheene

    He did all that then died at 53. Makes you think.
  11. M

    Sorry no stock, 6 weeks

    Why would you put dealer sprockets etc on a bike? A sprocket & chain set for my XR at the dealers were over R5000, whereas you can get a DiD chain & JT sprockets at R3k. Then you also get to play with the gearing.
  12. M

    SOLD - BMW Pants Size 42 Santiago (size more like 30-34)

    Can you wheelie while wearing them? Can you wheelie better than your best friend with an S1000XR?
  13. M

    I am leaving the bike industry

    Congrats!!! Our few interactions were great. If you need to bounce any dev questions off me, feel free.
  14. M

    Milestone bikes per manufacturer

    I know it's a modern bike, but the BMW S1000RR. Their first true superbike with a fantastic engine which paved the way for the R and XR.
  15. M

    Triumph Speed Triple R in Somerset West - Any SW Dogs keen to have a look please

    It's only a pleasure. Those types of things should have been fixed ;)
  16. M

    Triumph Speed Triple R in Somerset West - Any SW Dogs keen to have a look please

    I can do it this afternoon for you. My number is oh 7 nine 319 fortyfive seventythree
  17. M

    Rider missing in the eastern cape.

    I was diagnosed with severe depression at 26. Eventually the constant feelings of worthlessness and helplessness made sense. I've been on medication ever since and life is so much better! Okes, get help. Feeling like that is not normal.
  18. M

    FS: BMW Panniers for S1000XR

    3 things: 1. Its an S1000XR. 2. They'll fit the 1st generation S1000XR, 2015 - 2019. 3. Pinging luv2ride
  19. M

    nama bike camp

    Let's organise a weekend there, not invite Sam, and pay for Operator's accommodation.