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  1. M

    New KTM dealer for Cape Town

    They've got Mike Grove down from JHB to work at Paarl. That guy is a top mechanic, they definitely want to win the Boland guys over.
  2. M

    IT goes for swim - Sad ending

    I saw this bike on Sunday arvie. I had no idea that this happened to it, I just saw the damaged zorst and wondered how the guy hurt it like that. That bike's a write off, deserves spit & polish and should live on further as many Italians do, as ornaments.
  3. M

    For Sale - Some bike stuffs. BMW, KTM and all

    Hi oom. Sit daai 650 pype op jou 790. Hy sal beter lyk.
  4. M

    Poepholle on KTMs

    This morning at around 10:45, we were making our way up Sir Lowry's Pass on the N2 coming from Somerset West. I spot these 2 okes on their KTM plastics just before the bridge that goes over the train track. The one was waiting in the yellow lane, the other was on the grass. Won't you believe...
  5. M

    Anybody that have a KTM 390 Duke

    My 2015 390 Duke begs to differ. Mine went thru 2 different engine rebuilds due to overheating. The 1st models do not have wide enough waterways in the head to cool the engine down sufficiently.
  6. M

    Do you still greet fellow bikers?

    I ride between Blouberg & Century City everyday. No one flippen greets. In GP everyone and their auntie greeted me. Okes don't even say thanks to cars for making space for them.
  7. M

    Flywheel needed for 2005 DL1000

    Hi guys, As requested. My dad's 2005 Strom needs a new flywheel. The magnets on it came loose, they were glued back on but came loose a few months later. He must either get a new one, 2nd hand one or take it to someone that can glue them and ensure they stay attached. He's in PTA East. Thanks,
  8. M

    Moto Madness

    I watched the channel religiously, until I realised that the videos were affecting me and my riding. I became aggressive and had a few close calls. Once I stopped watching, my riding improved. 90% of the incidents there are rider induced.
  9. M

    I confess, I'm scared!

    I came off at the 2nd last corner at Kyalami on the 1st of June. The damage was purely cosmetic. I was fine the ride back, to & from the repairers but when the bike was officially fixed, we went to Innibos which is 360km from home. I kakked myself in the mountains purely because I fell in a...
  10. M

    Ganjora down...........

    Recover soon Ganjora!
  11. M

    BMW S1000XR found

    That I6 whine gives me goosebumps!
  12. M

    BMW S1000XR found

    Howzit, I actually came from a 2012 R1200GS AC. My wife complained that the seat was hard and leaning against was unpleasant too. The latter after I got the top box cushion for her. My XR has a top box with a cushion on. I've also upgraded to the HP seat which is a bit more comfortable. Wind...
  13. M

    BMW S1000XR found

    Phone BMW Clearwater, ask for Richard or Denis. They have 2 available.
  14. M

    Group/pack riding

    I understand riding staggered, this guy was going into the other lane completely.
  15. M

    Group/pack riding

    Hi guys, When riding in the fast lane in a group, what's the point in a rider shifting to the left hand lane thus expanding the width of the group 50%? I rode past some guys on Friday with the one guy routinely moving to the left hand lane when there weren't cars in his way. Thanks,
  16. M

    BMW S1000XR found

    I'm with Peter.  I've had mine over a year now (been riding 2.5 years) and this is such an awesome bike. Great suspension, very torquey and revvy. I've taken it around Kyalami and scraped pegs, hell I've even scraped pegs with my wife on the back. We just got back from Nelspruit with the XR...
  17. M

    Biker killed - Namibia or Botswana

    Because they're not used to exceeding 40km/h. I rarely exceeded that in Thailand & Mauritius. It's quite sad.
  18. M

    Help please - Nelspruit honne

    SHARKY If you don't come right, we'll be coming to Nelspruit from JHB on Friday. I'll be able to bring a battery up for you.
  19. M


    Please! I've got an S1000XR, and the electronics will be the same as an LC.
  20. M


    Do these throw errors on the LC's and the like?