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  1. C

    Leatt Brace GPX Adv II-SOLD

    Can I have dips on the second one if hugh101 pulls out???
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    WANTED: Trax topbox mounting plate - G650GS

    Hi Guys! Anyone maybe have a Trax topbox mounting plate for a G650GS they want to sell?? Let me know! Thanks! zero8two 5six3 88zero1
  3. C

    Looking for: BMW Rally 2 Or Enduro Pants

    PM Pavlovski, I know he was trying to sell some Enduro bits of kit a while back.
  4. C

    G/F650GS BMW crashbars - SOLD

    Yeah its sold already mate, sorry!
  5. C

    Wanted GS Crashbars

    PM Sent!  :thumleft:
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    Trax Topbox/Luggage plate?

    Hi Dogs!! Do any of you guys have a Trax topbox/luggage rack maybe fitter onto your 650GS bikes?? I just want to take some measurement to attempt my handy work on making my own maybe - R1650 for a new one is just a bit steep right now...  Maybe someone has an old one that I can buy from you...
  7. C

    20000km service - Sertao

    I agree mate, thanks for the confirmation!!  :thumleft: I see BMW charges you R120 for a DR8EB spark plug  :o, so I'll pay Midas  a visit once I need to service.
  8. C

    20000km service - Sertao

    Hi All Got a quick question. I enquired from a BMW dealership what needs to be done at the 20000km service for my Sertao. Included in the obvious things like oils and filters and so on was spark plugs as well...   NOW, does the spark plugs need to be changed every 20000km, or is it just this...
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    HID light conversion

    For what type of bulb is this conversion, H4, H7??
  10. C


    :drif:  x 100!!!! Daai fiets klink seker net amazing met daai pyp op!!
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    Sertao Instrumetation Cluster backlight flickering...

    My thinking as well, just haven't had no time to strip the bike an start looking for possible loos connections... 
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    Sertao Instrumetation Cluster backlight flickering...

    While riding at night I noticed that the entire backlight of my instrument cluster is occationally flickering, like its on and then for a split second goes dark and back on again...  SO the bike does not die or go dead or make like it wants to die or anything, runs as smooth and flawless as...
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    tank bag Sold sold sold

    PM SharingRoads, he is looking for a tankbag curently.  :thumleft:
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    Kit for sale

    Tankbag sold already??  3rd dips please!
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    Aftermarket exhaust

    Are these VanDerLinde pipes not deafening on the open highway roads??
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    2010 F800GS For Sale

    oh my GREATNESS!!  :drif: :drif:  Vrek dis nou n shmaaaart fiets die... Jammer ekt klaar nou net een gekoop...
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    You should also have a look at BikeConsole's Tigra bike mount, waterproof, submerseable, shockproof, dustproof, and clips onto the mount and then screws secure to it into the case. You can buy it from Sportmans Warehouse, or just order it from the US, worked out well for me...
  18. C

    2009 KTM 690 Enduro FOR SALE!! Price DROP!!!

    BUMP!!!! Price is dropped!  :thumleft: :deal: