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  1. C

    Ridders van die Grondpad (FREE)

    ASB vir my ook een!!!!!  
  2. C

    Zumo 660 - FOR SALE - R6000

    Hi Dogs Posting this on behalf of someone. He is selling his Zumo 660 as a kit, that includes the following: - Zumo 660 unit - Bike charger cradle - Touratech Lockable Bracket - Car mount and charger Asking price is R6000 for the lot!   Please contact him directly on the following details...
  3. C

    2-finger levers now available...

    NICE MAN!! And their current price, still R890??
  4. C

    Aftermarket exhaust

    Where is the picture of the Stealth pipe??
  5. C

    2-finger levers now available...

    Hi Chris Do you still have those 2 finger levers for the Sertao? Gooi a couple of pictures so we can get an idea of the look. Thanks!!
  6. C

    BMW G650GS Sertao - FOR SALE!! R71000

    :peepwall: R 79 000  perhaps? :deal:
  7. C

    BMW G650GS Sertao - FOR SALE!! R71000

    Thanks mate!!!  :thumleft: Any takers yet??  :deal:
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    BMW G650GS Sertao - FOR SALE!! R71000

    Thanks boys!!  :thumleft: Now just to get a new owner for it!!
  9. C

    BMW G650GS Sertao - FOR SALE!! R71000

    Hi DOGS!! I'm selling my 2012 G650GS Sertao - trying to save some money Bought it as a stock standard bike, and put everything on it as it is now: Its a 2012 model bike, 20000km, 30000km & 40000km service performed by myself as its just way more fun, and I know stuff gets done then - like the...
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    **SOLD**2008 KTM 690 SuperMoto for sale

    Lekker scooter die man!!!  :thumleft:  Klink vrekken AMAZING met daai cans op!!  :biggrin:
  11. C

    Bags Connection tankbag- FOR SALE

    STILL AVAILABLE!!!!    :thumleft:
  12. C

    2006 Bmw 650 Dakar ABS Heated Grips For Sale

    Ek soek jou pyp meneer!!! Jy game??