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  1. C

    Bags Connection tankbag- FOR SALE

    Centurion, in Highveld.  :thumleft:
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    Testing the waters: 2007 Dakar

    PM sent mate!! :thumleft:
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    Bags Connection tankbag- FOR SALE

    Price DROP on tank bag!!!    :thumleft: :deal:
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    G650GS Sertao OEM exhaust

    Hi guys!! Anybody interested in buying an OEM BMW G650GS Sertao twin exhaust???  Want to get a Van Der Linder pipe  ;D, and sell my standard OEM exhaust to someone who might need it. Still looks geniunely really good, only have 22000kms on it.  :deal: PM me or ring me on zero8two five63...
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    2006 Bmw 650 Dakar ABS Heated Grips For Sale

    :drif: :drif: :drif: Goeiste dis pretty!!
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    Bags Connection tankbag- FOR SALE

    Leatt Moto GPX  -  SOLD!!!!!!!
  7. C

    Bags Connection tankbag- FOR SALE

    Hi Guys Got a Bags Connection strap-on tank bag - adjustable topwards, raincover, and tubular hooks included (basically new)  -  R1200 R900 PM me, or give me a ring on zero8two 5six3 88zero1 CHEERS!!   :thumleft:
  8. C

    TRAX Topbox mounting plate KTM950/990 - *SOLD*

    Hi Guys, Have this 4mm steel mounting plate for a Trax topbox with the bobbin kit (R260)  fitted to it for a KTM 905/990. Seeing I'm riding a Sertao, someone else might need one. Selling for R600.  Anybody need one?? Cheers!!
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    Reflective stickers

    Observe the AWESOMENESS!!!  Thanks Henk!!  :thumleft:
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    Alpinestars GP Plus Leather jacket -SOLD-

    Looking forward to hearing form you mate!  :thumleft:
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    Sprockets - what brand to go for

    EKt voor en agter met JT sprockets vervang en DID chain opgesit, het my R1520 gekos, en sommer gou n uur spandeer om dit gou self op te sit!  :thumleft:
  12. C

    Alpinestars GP Plus Leather jacket -SOLD-

    Haha well mate  Speed Services is your friend,  overnight sommer!!  :ricky:
  13. C

    Alpinestars GP Plus Leather jacket -SOLD-

    Thanks mate. Any takers????  :deal:
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    Alpinestars GP Plus Leather jacket -SOLD-

    Yeah mate you're welcome!  :thumleft:  I stay in Pretoria. I'm 6foot 74kg, and it sits good for me. Give me a ring so we can organize.
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    Alpinestars GP Plus Leather jacket -SOLD-

    Hi Guys, I have this Alpinestars GP Plus Leather jacket that I just don't wear, I always ride with my Adventure jacket.  AWESOME jacket though!!  Also has the winter inner layer as well. The jacket is still in excellent condition!  See they're selling now for R6000 at Full Throttle, so I'm...
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    ~~ For Sale ~ BMW 1150GS 2002 ~ For Sale ~~

    WOW!!! My hart!!  :drif: Super mooi fiets die!  :thumleft:
  17. C

    Frankenstein Formal Introduction

    Hahahaha lekker Frankie!!!!  Welkom dude!! PS:  Sy hare lyk regtig  O0 !!!
  18. C

    *Sold* Tank Bag for sale

    PM Sent!!!    :thumleft: