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  1. J

    What type of glue to use?

    For my self inflating mattress (Make: First Accent) After about 27years, the nozzle is now leaking. It is actually quite"loose - would need to remove the molded nozzle pice completely and glue together from the start What glue would be perfect for this?
  2. J

    Small, DIY hand held sand blast units

    These small, hand held units complete with small sand "poaches" . Are they any good for "small" surface cleaning or quite useless gadgets? I from time to time have a need for cleaning small surfaces likes pipes, etc. At my local supplier is one for +-R480 .
  3. J

    Die Hel.. Gamkaskloof kamp plek

    Is daardie eerste kamp plek onder die bome nog n opsie na die brande( of was dit verspoelings?).. Ek wil volgende maand daar gaan oorslaap Hoor graag van julle wat onlangs daar was Groete
  4. J

    Erkenning aan KTM Paarl

    Ons was die naweek oppad Oasis toe met eerste stop op Bains kloof. Met die weg trek...Vriend Hennie se 990 morsdood. Liggies kom nie eers aan. KTM Paarl het 'n drywer gestuur en 'n nuwe battery kom aflaai vir ekstra fooi van iets soos R150! ..en dit was vinnig! Dankie Tiaan en span daar. By...
  5. J

    Is Atlantis open tommorrow?

    Hi, I learnt just now that there is a 4x4 competition of some sort at Atlantis. Do anybody here know if it will still be open for offroad bikes tomorrow morning?
  6. J

    What made you pull the trigger to sell your HP2

    So....I have a very long history with HP2. Had two since +-2008/9. The first one I rode like a plastic and the current one is now a garage queen.. I always thought it is/was the best big bike for me, but I must admit, I am enjoying the 990 a lot. The 990 is just so much more "comfortable" than...
  7. J

    Bottom of Ouberg Pass in Tankwa

    The "river' was in flood 2-3 weeks ago. Anybody that can give me an update on water level please? This is the river, which is most of the year dry, at the bottom of Ouberg pass. Thanks
  8. J

    Gannaga Lodge to top of Ouberg Pass (Tankwa)

    Hi, Is there a shorter route from Gannaga Lodge to top of Ouberg pass, or is following the road to Middelpos, then taking the Sutherland road the only option?
  9. J

    Wanted Heat resistant Carbon sheet

    The end cans on the 990 I bought last year came with carbon fibre "look alike" wrapping . It needs to be replaced now.. Who would be able to supply something similar? Where should I look for this?
  10. J

    Where to find carbon fibre lookalike adhesive sheet?

    For my 990 end cans. I bought it with the black carbon fibre wraparound stickers. It needs replacement at the moment. Is this a normal supply from parts shops as Midas? - Midas Paarl does not sell these. Must be heat resistant to some extend..
  11. J

    2nd Owner GPS - What to do?

    Ek het 'n Garmin Montana 600 vanuit 'n boedel ontvang. Oorlede vriend van my. Ek het geen papiere en oorspronklike aankoop bewyse en registrasie nommers gekry. Ek dink daar is T4A opgelaai. Ek beplan om my eie T4A "pakket" te koop - ek dink dit is basies net 'n geheure kaart.?! Ek wil net tracks...
  12. J

    Garmin Montana 600 Cables

    Hi, I have a Montana 600 that was "gifted" to me. It only has the power charge cable. What other cables is supposed to come with the unit to connect to a PC or laptop? Where should I look to buy these? Regards ps. Maybe a owner of a 600 can send me a photo of what came with the unit as standard?
  13. J

    Garmin Montana 600 Cables

    Hi, I have a Montana 600 that was "gifted" to me. It only has the power charge cable. What other cables is supposed to come with the unit to connect to a PC or laptop? Where should I look to buy these? Regards ps. Maybe a owner of a 600 can send me a photo of what came with the unit as standard?
  14. J

    Suggestions for overnight stay S/East Tankwa?

    Need some suggestions on a trip through & around Tankwa. Planned for sometime in July For the Saturday night, trying to limit the distance on the Sunday back to George for a few friends. Not camping and must have a bar facility. Anything close to Laingsburg or Touwsriver ?...maybe
  15. J

    Wanted 990 Adv kick stand spring

    After making the side stand longer, it now need a stronger spring. Mine has the two springs in one set up. Would the attached double spring be stronger? ...and where to find such a set up?
  16. J

    Electro plating bolts, etc

    Hi, I need to derust and clean bolts. I remember somewhere on WD's somebody made a homemade setup. Can you direct me to the info please?
  17. J

    For Sale Husqvarna FX350

    Hi , My FX350 model 2021 is for sale. Hours +-60 hrs This is the ideal race, funduro and play bike. The FX has the best of the MX and enduro specs combined The 2021 models have the improved suspension and muffler - no need for expensive aftermarket. I never raced this one and now, after two...
  18. J

    My 990 - General questions, learning and experience

    Hi, My bike is a 2007 ADVmodel and I have removed the suspension for Michael Peatzoldt to change the internals. Will be taking it from 210mm to 250mm. My question - If I lenghten the centre stand, will the normal spring arrangement be adequate to keep it in the up position? Thanks
  19. J

    Sorted Steering head bearing kit for KTM 990

    No stock in Paarl or Capetown KTM.. 2007 Adventure 990 Where should I be looking for a replacement kit? Thanks
  20. J

    Wanted KTM 990 Adv Side Stand Relocation bracket

    Hi there, Where can I buy one? I prefer local but if not available, what is the better site on the internet to buy these from? Where did you buy yous and is it sturdy enough? I want to put it one before the suspension is made longer. Apparently the bracket put the bike a bit more upright and I...