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  1. Crankshaft

    Sold Cycra hand guards covers only

    Brand new Cycra hand guards covers only. Asking R100 + shipping 083 six four nine 8119
  2. Crankshaft

    BMW word ook nou automaties

    Ek het nou hierdie artikel op LinkedIn gesien. Loop nou dieselfde pad as wat Honda geloop het met die DCT op die AT “scooters😂
  3. Crankshaft

    Baviaans - Beste tyd van die jaar??

    Ek en n paar manne dink daaraan om die trippie te doen vanaf Willowmore se kant af. Sal verkies om so min as moontlik goed saam te ry soos bv tente ens. 1. Wat sal julle sê is die beste tyd van die jaar? 2. Het gedink om oor te slaap by Doringkloof 4x4 bush camp. Is dit n goeie opsie? 3. Waar...
  4. Crankshaft

    Sold Leatt dual axis knee & shin guards

    Still in a good condition. Not in use anymore. Asking R700 + shipping
  5. Crankshaft

    For Sale Leatt 4.5 chest protector

    Still in a very good condition. Not being used anymore. Asking R1500 + shipping
  6. Crankshaft

    Sold Gearne SG12 boots (EU47, USA12, J29)

    Hi Selling the boots, not using it anymore. Been kept in storage for more than a year. Still in a very good condition. All the clips in working order. Will have to replace the toe caps at a later stage. Selling new at +-R10,000 Asking price R6,000 + shipping Whatsapp me 083 six four nine 8119
  7. Crankshaft

    Looking for T4A - Cape Town

    Waar in die Kaap kan ek T4A laat oplaai op my Zumo XT2?
  8. Crankshaft

    Sorted DB-killers for HP Akrapovic (R1250GSA)

    Is daar enige iemand wat dalk 'n paar DB-killers het vir so pyp wat nie gebruik word nie? Ek sal dit oorkoop by jou. Laat weet maar asb.
  9. Crankshaft

    Sold Scott MX shirt & pants (brand new)

    Howzit guys, Brand new shirt and pants, never been worn. shirt XL Pants 38 (my normal size 36) I paid R4600 but would like to get R3000 Postage for your account or collect at Brackenfell Zero 8 three six four nine 8 one one 9
  10. Crankshaft

    Ouberg pass towards Sutherland

    Hello Dogs, Have anyone done the Ouberg pass recently? How’s the conditiions?
  11. Crankshaft

    Looking for: SMALL Tank bag options

    Ek kyk daarna om 'n klein tank bag aan te skaf. Iets waarin ek my wallet, sonbrille, sleutels en 9mm kan sit as ek travel. Wat se opsies is daar buite, en wat sal julle voorstel? dankie,
  12. Crankshaft

    Summer jacket choices

    Hello julle, Wat se somer jackets sal julle aanbeveel? Stuur bietjie foto’s asb. Ek is opsoek na iets wat baie “breathable” is en genoeg vents het in die somer tyd vir as n mens so om die pot ry en meestal teerpad. Ek het n RST kit wat ek gebruik op n lang ride of as ek grondpad gaan ry...
  13. Crankshaft

    LF: Southern Cape holiday home

    Howzit guys, Looking for a place to rent for the December holiday this year. Will settle for something along the Southern Cape coast line from Stillbaai onwards. Will be for me and the family. If there’s anyone of you with something available or maybe know about something, please let me know...
  14. Crankshaft

    SIP Coffee @Witzenber vallei

    Het die naweek n draai gaan ry saam n paar vriende en toe die 1ste keer gaan inloer by SIP by die Witzenberg vallei. Baie oulike plekkie en baie lekker vars gebakte pasteie… Gaan loer gerus in…
  15. Crankshaft

    BMW C400 GT Scooter

    Howzit guys, Anyone out there that give me some feedback on one of these 2021 model? It looks nice and comfy to use around town and traffic. I can get my hand on a nice 2nd hand one. What is your thoughts?
  16. Crankshaft

    LF: 300 XC-W Headlight cover / protector

    Howzit guys, I got myself a new 300 xc-w and looking for one of those orange head light covers / protectors similar to those that the okes put on their adv bikes. Not only will it be to be more visible but also to protect the head light. Any one of you know where in SA I can get one of those?
  17. Crankshaft

    250 tpi xcw OR 300 tpi xcw??

    Gents I need your input!!!  I’m coming off 4 strokes and the last one was a WR450F. Decided to go for a Tpi when buying again but don’t know what size. With the research that I’ve done, the outcome shows that the 300 is a mountain goat if you want to do the hard enduro. I’m a weekend...
  18. Crankshaft

    Possible road trip December with the cage - Advice needed on route planning

    Howzit everyone. The wife and I are planning a possible road trip up north and end up in Jhb with max 500km's per day. I have a route planned until Port St John and now I'm stuck...  Is it worth it to go via Port Edward, Durban, Richards bay with regards to traffic and scenery? Or should we...
  19. Crankshaft

    LF: Akrapovic slip on for a R1200GSA LC

    Howzit gents, Looking for a Akrapovic slip on to fit on a R1200GSA LC.  If anyone is aware of something that's available, please let me know. thanks,  :peepwall:
  20. Crankshaft

    Possible upgrade to a 1250 GSA

    Howzit guys, I've got a possible good deal on a 2020 1250GSA!!  I had a 2015 1200GSA before, any issues of things that I need to look out for? thanks, :thumleft: