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  1. S

    Bietjie van G-MAN innie Kaap

    Ons het Saterdag en Sondag trippie gedoen Oase toe, was lanklaas daar. 2 xr 650"s, ek op my XR 600 en my broer op my CRF 450. Vanaf Milnerton deur Swartland, criss/ cross, Piekernierkloof oor, worsie gekoop by Kardoesie en langs die pad gebraai oppad Algeria toe. Pad goeie kondisie. Net oor...
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    Wanted XR 650 L CARB

    Fellow dogs, I'm in need for a Original Keihin CV carb from a 650L to fit on my XR 600. Looking for good condition one. Thank you.
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    XR 650 L

    Anyone have a bare 650 L frame wanting sell. Frame only.
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    Day trip and sleepover

    Anyone interested in riding along? Leave tomorrow at 8 am Milnerton, Richwood garage, onto Malmesbury, Moreesburg, Kapteinskloof, Paleisheuwel, Algeria, Oasis. 2 XR'S and a KTM. Most welcome to join.
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    XR 250 R Rings

    Anyone can assist with new rings for XR 250 rings? Bought bike form someone, motor was apparently re-done totally..... smoking like hell!. I need new set of rings for Wiseco piston, 78mm bore. Thought I'd try locally first before ordering online. Anyone refer me to Wiseco suppliers locally that...
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    Help needed with bike transport, PMB-CT

    Fellow dogs I need help to get an xr 250 from PMB( KZN) to Cape Town please! Motor is separate from mobile chassis/frame. I also need someone to do the deal with the cash handover for delivery with current owner. Any help would be appreciated. Contact me via PM or 082 412 8692 ( Deon)
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    XR200 RE, 1986 ONWARD

    FELLOW DOGS I recently bought a 200R 86 MODEL and will be using it for enduro's. Bike goes very well, did some suspension upgrades etc. I am looking for the air filter cage, I have the sponge filter element. Could also do with an original carb( current one a bit worn) or some advice of an...
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    KDX 200 spokes

    Hi .I need 36 spokes and nipples for a KDX 200. The full length of the spoke is 231 mm and 3.6 mm thick. Can anyone help or suggest where I can get ? Many thx
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    DRZ Lisencing problems! Please help!

    Recently bought a very well looked after DRZ from an outoppie, fully licensed etc. Take it for roadworthy, passed flying colours, went next day to get it reg on my name. All good, but they cant issue me with a license disc!!! Apparently the "new system" introduced sometime in 2012, declared my E...