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  1. A

    BIG SHOUT OUT!! **Collect A Bike Service**

    Give credit where it's due!!! My bike was stranded 46km outside Montague and left on a farm. I contacted Godfrey of CABS to collect and sent him a PIN from the bike's location. Reception terrible etc.... This weekend they sent a vehicle, but Google Maps wanted to take them through a private...
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    Mozambique advice

    My girlfriend and I are planning to fly from Joburg to Inhambane for a short holiday (10 nights) in August. Some advice from the Moz experts will be greatly appreciated. I can't find much on the interwebs, some things seem misleading, or I'm too dof to... Is it worth renting a car or are...
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    For Sale KTM 350 XCF-W 2012 ***SOLD****

    260 hours, valve clearance service done a few hours earlier. New rear tyre, front disc and pads. Heavy springs for 85kg rider, original springs included with some levers, spare foam filters etc. Various Hyde protection covers. Sweet handling enduro bike for less money than a MTB!!! R 39 900...
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    **SORTED** Ordered an Oberon

    Can you buy these separate anywhere? KTM CT says I have to buy the whole slave cylinder R3.3k  :eek7:
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    ***WANTED*** DRZ side cover

    Howdy Does anyone have a back left side cover for a Suzuki DRZ 400 for sale as circled on the picture?
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    Cederberg 4x4 routes wanted

    We're going to Cedrberg at the end of the month and want to go play with the dirtbikes, are there 4x4 routes where they will allow dirtbikes to go on, does anyone have contacts with places where one can go ride? No aftermarket super loud pipes on the bikes ;)
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    Rox adjustable risers for sale PRICE DROP

    I see these go for R1500 + new so I think R800 R700 is fair
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    2008 KTM 300 XC-W SOLD

    I bought the bike earlier this year, fixed it up a bit for weekend riding and then found a lekker 350 so now the 300 is not being used anymore. New rear tyre New side stand New grips 24 hours since last top end re-build. 4CS forks and the rear suspension recently serviced, new seals, oil...
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    Looking for a KTM 250/300 2T for a buddy

    Budget +/-35k. EXC or XC-W preferably 2012 onward I have found buying a 2nd hand dirt bike from the forum is a little less risky than buying on Gumtree as most members care about their reputation (I think  :lol8:)
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    Slip on exhaust for KTM 350????

    Is it worth spending money on a free flow exhaust? I have a new to me 350 XCF-W and would like to know if it makes a big difference. My Zeff side wants it for the sound, but does it improve performance? I also have an FMF power bomb, not fitted, do they really make much difference? Does the FI...
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    RICHA gloves XL- **SOLD**

    Brand spanking new in the original packaging. Bought online but they're too big for me. Size XL/10 - Now R 850
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    Oxford Bone dry winter gloves size XS

    Oxford Bone dry winter gloves size Extra Small -  R300
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    KTM 950 ADV brake disc rotors

    My trusty steed has racked up quite a few miles and its time to replace the front and rear discs. Non ABS. Apart from KTM discontinuing the OEM left front disc  :o the stuff available through the agents are eye wateringly expensive. What other options do I have?
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    Parcel from Cape Town to Walvis bay

    Howdy I'm trying to help out a guy who is travelling the world on a bicycle. He wants to send some spare tyres and parts that he will need in Africa up to a friend of mine in Walvis to make his bicycle lighter. If anyone can take it up for him, that will be great. You can check out his blog...
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    Lift wanted for tiny parcel from Booysens to Cape Town

    I want o get some gearbox muti from All-o-matic in JHB as the local guys are more than doubling the price, but All-o-matic isn't accommodating at all when it comes to shipping. In fact they still insist on using FAXES, unfortunately they are the only distributors of this stuff. I'm taking a...
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    Kruger advice wanted

    We are going to Hazyview for a little break and will do a few drives into KNP. Where should one go to in the southern part of the park. IE is there a specific water hole that one should hang around at?
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    GLOVES ***Advice needed***

    We want to give a colleague a pair of gloves as a going away present, we have about R600 in the kitty, what do you suggest? Does anyone have experience with ROSPA RTG-16 or SU01 gloves? Do they last?
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    Op die berg to Tulbach info?

    What is the route from Op die berg to Tulbach like? Can it be done on the big bikes? This is of course the route through the Witzenberg and not via Gydo pass and Ceres Also can the Nuwekloof pass be done next to the railway line the whole way?
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    WANTED KTM 950/990 LH side fairing thingy

    Anyone have a left hand side fairing cover jobbie lying around/for sale? Any colour will do.
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    KTM 950 oil pressure warning light

    Last night the oil warning light came up. I nursed the bike home and checked the oil level, it was OK and I topped it up. Light still stays on. Has this happened to anyone and where is the best place to start searching? I thought of pulling the oil filter first, what is the cleverest sequence...