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  1. maria41

    Returning to Africa for another ride

    Hi everyone, I diid not post for a very long time since I don't live in Africa. So quick hello here. Back in 2018 we did a 4 months ridea round southern Africa. I put my ride report here, so you can refer to it. Link Now i am planning to ship our bikes back to Cape Town and do a few months...
  2. maria41

    Buying a bike in Southern Africa as a foreigner (UK residents)

    hi, maybe this has been discussed before, so apologies if so, I could not find this. i just got some quotes to transport our 2 bikes from the UK to Cape Town and I nearly had a heart attack. Well, 3,000 pounds, minimum, per bike, for back and forth. That may include most costs like customs...
  3. maria41

    Around Southern Africa on 2 small bikes

    Hi everyone, Some of you may remember all my silly questions few months ago, as I was doing the research for our African trip. As promised here is now my trip report. It won't be the hard core that some have put (I read them all  :drif:) but I hope you will enjoy it. Few words about us. I am...
  4. maria41

    Limpopo / Kruger border /bikes allowed? Safe?

    Hi everyone we are currently in Malawi and we will get to Mozambique soon. And then South Africa . Looking at the map there is a border between Limpopo in Mozambique and Kruger. (Gyriondo border post). Is this border open to motorbikes? If yes is it safe? Or are we insane to even consider it...
  5. maria41

    Northern Namibia: is this itinerary ok to see elephants and wildlife?

    Hi everyone, we made it to Swakop and will need to return as we found a Yamaha dealer and ordered some fork seals. Both our bikes are leaking!  ::) Anyway, I am taking time today to design our itinerary. I can’t really ride in deep sand. The rest  is ok, I can make good progress. A bit of deep...
  6. maria41

    Can I get thi stuff in Namibia?

    Hi everyone, We are making our way to Namibia. We will be in Sprinbok tomorrow. We shipped our bikes from England. We noticed that the shippers removed some essential items from our luggage. We need to replace that. Most important will be the K&N air filter oil. We also need a mini can or WD40...
  7. maria41

    Leaving bike in Namibia while I fly back to the UK?

    Hi everyone, It looks like I will need to fly back to the UK for a very quick visit that I cannot avoid ( compulsory stuff I must attend) . I plan to fly off Windhoek to London and come back to Namibia few days later. Can I leave Namibia without my motorbike? My husband will stay behind and...
  8. maria41

    4months ride around Southern Africa

    Hi everyone, I am currently planning to ship our bikes from the UK to Cape Town, then ride north to Namibia, northern Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, maybe a bit of Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Lesotho and end again in Cape Town. We arrive at the end of May and will be staying few days with...
  9. maria41

    Southern Africa - June to September weather info

    Hi everyone, I am from the UK ( kind of - I am French but live in London). I am shipping our bikes to Cape Town. We will start our trip at the end of May. I plan to spend 4 months riding and exploring Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, then go down via Zim and Moz and stop in Swaziland and...
  10. maria41

    Hi from London

    Hi, my name is Maria. I found out about this site through advrider. I thought it would be a good idea to join to pick your brains!  :biggrin: With  my other half, we will be starting a new trip from Cape Town at the end of May. We will ride an XT250 for me, and a CRF 250 for Alistair. I...