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  1. petri oosthuizen

    Value - 2020 Honda XR 125

    2 of them Pal of mine has kids who studies now, the goedjies are just standing around now He wants to trade them in on something like a NP 200 Mileage around 9000 or so, definitely less than 10000 Bought new, with all keys and boekies and service tooltjies and everything Bought and serviced...
  2. petri oosthuizen

    Dinokeng on a Bike ..........???

    Can one enter Dinokeng on a Bike?? I just called a lady at a place called "Jakkals Asem", and she sez no problemo And if "YES" 1) Nice area, nice gravel paadjies etc etc?? I'm not "bound" to a location, was just thinking about visiting that area for a change of the usual scenery 2) How to get...
  3. petri oosthuizen

    KTM from Bethlehem to PE - How to??

    As Above Who can assist here?? Recommended Carriers?? Its a 690 Thanks 0 8 3 3 8 4 1471 @Striggs - Can you remember who brought your Touareg down that time??
  4. petri oosthuizen

    Watter Windrigting die keer??

    Mamma, haar ma en sussie gaan af Kaap toe so van die 17de tot die 22ste Maart. En Jomar en sy sussie gaan saam pelle Weskus toe. Klein Bea is ook daai naweek weg So....Pappa is stoksiel alleen, en nie net op die Saterdagaand nie So vir 3 of 4 aande Ek sit en bekyk die Kaart so Waantoe vir so 3...
  5. petri oosthuizen

    Best Road - Bloem to East London?

    As above Sorry actually not Bike related I know Need to take a Car down to EL from Bloem within the next 2 days What route is best? Thanks appreciate
  6. petri oosthuizen

    Garmin 276c - SORTED THANKS

    Ek het laasweek so Garmin 276c gescore van 'n Boot af. Kry mens 'n bracket vir hom vir 'n Bike?? Die ding lyk maar groot en lomp, maar kom ons kyk Ek het altyd die 276 gebruik met die 4x4's, die een wat met penlights gewerk het.........maar dalk is die een ook nice. Ek like die knoppies, HAAT...
  7. petri oosthuizen

    Standing on Pegs (Meerkatting)

    What's the correct way to stand while riding? I like it, a LOT, but my lower back starts hurting like in within 500 meters What am I doing wrong? Legs? Arms? My legs and arms etc are all good, but ja Lower back hurts, like in PRONTO Thanks
  8. petri oosthuizen

    Charity at Bashes - General Feeling and Ideas?

    As Above 1) Good/Bad Idea?? And yes, keeping in mind that attending a Bash costs a lot, we are all aware of that. How do you Guys feel about it (be brutally honest please) 2) Ideas, maybe stuff that worked before etc etc (keeping Question 1 in mind)
  9. petri oosthuizen

    Parys - Nice Slaap en Eetplek?

    Ek lewer n RAV4 af in Potch so Vrydag/Saterdag Ek en Ma wil sommer so road trippie maak, vir Bea hallo se, maar beginne terugry selle dag en iewers oorbly, ons het sommer gedink Parys Lekker nice Blyplek, het iemand 1st hand recommendation? En eetplek? Ons gaan gewoonlik daar op met die Trappe...
  10. petri oosthuizen

    Seen 2006 1200 Adv in Bethlehem

    Het vandag met die girl besigheid gedoen Haar man wil die 06 Adventure 1200 verkoop Bike lyk mooi Hys bestuurder by VKB, bike staan ook daar Hulle praat van R 85000 As iemand dalk belangstel, hiers haar ad ook
  11. petri oosthuizen

    Water bladder thing, how to clean?

    As above I bought a tankbag with a built in water bladder thing 1) How to clean, hot water only I'm thinking? 2) Can I put something like, say, Energade in there, or will it discolor the bag and/or will I have hassles with removing the "taste", etc? Thanks En ja ek GAAN waarskynlik ook eendag...
  12. petri oosthuizen

    Tyre Pressures PLEASE

    More or Less On an old XT 600 Tenere And an old 1100 GS ...................I sommer made all of them 1.6 Bar. Is that around Ball Park?? They were WAAAAAAY out bu the way (too pap)
  13. petri oosthuizen

    DR much?

    Wat offer ek Oom Hans? DR 250 Hyt hom nuut gekoop, bike staan in stoor, sal Maandag gaan kyk Maar so naastenby En is dit OK bikes? Thanks
  14. petri oosthuizen

    Small Tracking device ... like an Airtag?

    The Kids are asking me to use some tracker device if I go away on especially longer trips again, after my cell fell of the bike twice on a recent almost 2000 km trip They have a point I guess One can fall or get mechanical or whatever hassles 1) What do get? 2) We have 2 Samsungs and 4 iPhones...
  15. petri oosthuizen

    1100 GS...Replacing Clutch Cable

    As above. Need to install the new Clutch Cable on the Vet Tannie WTF to start, and WTF to do. Do I need to remove the (full😬) fuel tank, etc etc? And what needs adjustment/alignment/a hammer blow, etc Thanks appreciate It's the cable from the handle , the "first" part O fok hier kom baie...
  16. petri oosthuizen

    R 80 G/S difficult?

    As Above How difficult is it to get parts on the R80 G/S, in general.....? Like in side covers, etc? And where to look? Thanks
  17. petri oosthuizen

    Wanted BRITS - Rear light Assy : 2006 R 1200 GS aircooled

    As above Urgent. Jomar sold the bike and the rear brake light not working Or any advise please Tail and brake lights not working Thanks @Jomar Oosthuizen 0 7 3 2 4 1 1 7 8 4 or me 0 8 3 3 8 4 1 4 7 1
  18. petri oosthuizen

    Clutch cable roadside repair?

    As above My clutch cable (on the 1100 GS) snaped right there at the lever this morning. Just wondering.....what should I have done, say if this happened on a remote gravel road, to just get moving along I actually WAS on such a remote gravel road somewhere between Vredefort and Parys lateish...
  19. petri oosthuizen

    PLS advise....Bloem-Gariep-Lady Grey area

    As above Looks like this may happen. Planning a trippie from Bloem to Gariep, then to the sea "under around" Lesotho, say via Lady Grey. "Sea" meaning anywhere South Coast. But ... first 2 "legs" : 1) Bloem to Gariep 2) Gariep to South Coast somewhere, " onder om" Lesotho. I'm REALLY keen on...
  20. petri oosthuizen

    Advise pls...Bloem Airport...Car Pickup

    As above. Can I leave a Car at Bloem Airport on Saturday for Jomar, and he picks it op on Sunday? Where do I leave the key? Not too keen to hide it's a 2.4 GD6, prime stock for the Thieves Thanks!!!!