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  1. Bappas

    KTM Trouble

    KTM recently faced a massive financial loss of $2.5 billion, raising concerns about the company’s future. Owned by Pierer Mobility Group, KTM is restructuring to address this crisis by cutting costs, scaling back racing efforts, and reducing manufacturing output. This includes eliminating the...
  2. Bappas

    KTM soon to be 100% Chinesse
  3. Bappas

    Sold BMW Rally Jacket

    BMW Rally Jacket size 54 Responded to a thread here for someone wanting a Jacket packed in a box in a great hurry and then! All the padding is there all the zips work and the rain liner is included can do with a wash but it is packed already R3800 and that would include PUDO
  4. Bappas

    Sold F800GS 2010

    I would like to sell my GS as it does not see a lit of use lately I is white and had the frame powdercoated red like the newer ones has al the goodies BMW handgards Spots Crashbars panier frames ar well as progressive springs Wilbers rear shock I am not hardup what can I expect to sell for?
  5. Bappas

    Wont do that

    Suspect true formany
  6. Bappas


  7. Bappas

    BMW Tool kits

    I have these BMW toolkits I suspect they are not a 100% complete but make me some offers willing to Postnet at your cosy
  8. Bappas

    CRF 230 Starter

    As the topic says looking fir one  good condition would be nice but one that can be used for spares would work as well the one I have have the magnets broken!
  9. Bappas

    CRF 230 s Wanted

    Looking for 2 of these! Condition not importand  as I am willing to rebuild or fix if needed! Price needs to Make sense with regard to condition unmolested bikes preferred!
  10. Bappas

    Honda CRF 230

    On my YZ  rebuild I got a comment about the Honda keeping a eye on things. Was a friends sons bike that was ripped a some kids do. Rebuilding it for the G F brothers son. Did not take before pictures but here is some from my YZ thread
  11. Bappas

    YZ 250 footpeg

    2005 YZ think al the ally frame ones are the same I am looking for a lefthandside footpeg ! Failing that I have a good righthand one that can go to a new home ! The agents are just stupid with their prices!
  12. Bappas

    YZ 250 Barrel

    Seems they are the same from 2000 with minor diferances! Does anybody have one for sale ! Good condition would be first prize!
  13. Bappas

    YZ 250 Rebuilt Project or maybe stupidity

    Bought this pile of part from R R on the forum who had a thread on here about the restore but did not get futher than the tear down!  A lot more damage than expected! Initialy the idea was to get rid of a 90 % WR gearbox I have around but it turned out to be a lot more ! It will most probably...
  14. Bappas

    Plastics KTM 300 2003

    I need a set of plastics for this resto project however I can not spend the value of the bike !  Anybody with some of these or vendor having a set they want to get rid off ! Can not be that popular anymore!
  15. Bappas

    Every body has a project!

    Some a little funky!
  16. Bappas

    KTM 300 Refresh

    Bought this bike from 2 Stoke Dan on the forum !  Helping my one son getinto ridding again dificult enough for the young one to just make a living! He is paying but I will get it up to scratch for him!
  17. Bappas

    Motorcycle Oil

    Knowing a little about oil and that is not through the internet although that can be a useful tool. There are many questions and sometimes very uniformed answers on the subject. I hope this can help some people out there. The first thing to consider when we think about oil is viscosity...
  18. Bappas

    Husquvarna 2015 350 ecu

    As the topic says I am looking for one of these I have 250 one that I can sell or trade!
  19. Bappas

    Adventure Bikers

    I was watching the TV this morning and after getting on the forum!! People paying others to lead them around on a "Adventure"    Really People going on a " Adventure" with a medic in tow                Really People having to do a riding course                                          Really...
  20. Bappas

    F800 Seat (Sorted)

    My son just bought a F800 It has a low seat and he is almost 2 m tall anybody with a rally seat for a swop???