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  1. O

    Sani,Motlokong,Katse,Clarens-one day ??

    Thank you very much IDR, we will certainly consider this route as well.
  2. O

    Sani,Motlokong,Katse,Clarens-one day ??

    Thanks for the welcome. I've registered last year after buying my first 1200gs and sadly haven't spend much time here, sad indeed. I should have made my posting a bit clearer. We will actually start at Sani Top and only have the one day to traverse Lesotho as we sleep in Clarens the evening.
  3. O

    Sani,Motlokong,Katse,Clarens-one day ??

    So if ones starting point is at Sani,  doing this route and say start at 6am (or when light enough) and push through to Caledonspoort exit it can be done in one day, but not recommended?