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  1. Allegro

    Bike book value

    I can help you with the retail value (our system does not give trade in value)
  2. Allegro

    Kove Adventure Bikes

    even on Maroela Media article about them.
  3. Allegro

    Stolen 990 adventure S

    bought it on either Takealot or BoB, can't remember
  4. Allegro

    Stolen 990 adventure S

    no name brand 🤷‍♂️
  5. Allegro

    Sold KTM FT factory team backpack - R1000

    Hi Dogs, Bought this about 2yrs ago, only to find it is too narrow for my laptop. So never used it, only gathering dust. Has this adjustable cooling system, to keep it away from your back, so air can flow through. ideal for enduro riding, lots of small pockets and places to store items...
  6. Allegro

    Stolen 990 adventure S

    I have one of those alarm locks on my bike when parked, fekken thing makes one moerova noise when moved just a tad too much.
  7. Allegro

    Bike insurance.

    let me give you a quote, no harm in trying.
  8. Allegro

    Girls & Drinks

    admins het my uitgekak & geban vir 'n ruk. Ons is mos laerskool groepie.... :rolleyes:
  9. Allegro

    Sorted Pellet geweer

    Ek het vir jou 'n GAMO CFX met GAMO Compact 3-9x40 scope, maak my 'n offer?
  10. Allegro

    calling on Middelburg MP Dogs

    Nevermind, he got sorted
  11. Allegro

    calling on Middelburg MP Dogs

    Howzit, any Dogs there that could check out a bike for a buddy of mine?
  12. Allegro

    Wild Dog Gemeenskap! ️ Weggee Alert!

    mag ons nou al vir "special WD discount" vra as ons daar shop ❓:rolleyes: mens kry seker steeds die koes (met 'n p) vanaf sy hok met die one way vensters :p
  13. Allegro

    Sold 2020 KTM 1290 R - Low Mileage & Just serviced

    Way more extras on it than you mention, bashplate, upper crashbars, pannier frames, spotlights.... just sayin :rolleyes:
  14. Allegro

    Help with change of ownership mess!

    I sold a bike to fellow from Vereeniging couple of years ago. After paying the licence fees for 3yrs, and not receiving any refund or action from the buyer, I had the bike "exported" to Namibia... :LOL:
  15. Allegro

    Stolen bikes Alert!

    ohh yeah, and proper insurance ;)
  16. Allegro

    Stolen bikes Alert!

    My bedroom window looks directly at my garage doors with x2 cameras activated by motion (and alarm to my phone) x1 Boerboel on my wives' side of the bed and x1 PittBul on my side of the bed, x3 Dashounds that fkn bark at leaves falling, and finally "Milo" my 9mm HP Browning concealed in...
  17. Allegro

    Mis nogsteeds my 990 !!!

    Yup, 2006. Sal jou lui
  18. Allegro

    Mis nogsteeds my 990 !!!

    My fok dis my ou bike, daai sitplek het ek nog so laat oortrek. (in fact moet daar 2 seat saam bike wees) Ek wou hom terugkoop (hom toevallig op Gumtree raakgesien) by ou wat hom by my gekoop het (+-4 jr later) maar hy was erg verniel. Hy het my gevra of ek iemand ken wat bike vir hom kon...
  19. Allegro

    Sold Pannier bags

    dit is wat mens moet doen op die fred ne 🤔
  20. Allegro

    Sold Pannier bags

    Neeeeeee 😬😬