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  1. ALLEN I

    Wanted Transalp 700xl

    In the market for a Transalp 700xl Send me a message or Give me a call on 082 483 4961 or just reply Allen
  2. ALLEN I

    The Day The Night I Thought I Died

                                                                      The Day the Night I thought  I  died. Just a short Type of RR about my cruise to Klerksdorp.    :ricky: :ricky: Sorry “Ous” no picks as you read it you will understand why So a while back like before all of this “Kak” I took a...
  3. ALLEN I


    hi can anyone help me with Superfoxi (Mikes) ph  number. bloody lost it
  4. ALLEN I

    Helmets for sale good condition

    Have 2 Helmets VR1 Mediums still in good condition to sell for a lady friend. Make an other. Thanks Allen
  5. ALLEN I

    Bikes, Booze and a Quarry

                            Bikes, Booz, The Dinosaur, The Cous (Bill P) The kids and mates and the Quarry Mmmm This has been lying dormant , as I forgot to “Gooi” it on the site. Hehe (Blame it on Bloody old age or something) So once again I gets this aas “Jukking” in my “Gat” to go and play at the...
  6. ALLEN I

    Quarry Jol with a"Lekker"ride Sunday 25th february New and experienced riders

    So a few "Ous" have tuned me that they also want to go and play in the Quarry, so ive organized a little run for newbies and experienced riders again. Same rout we did  a few months ago, the "Ous" enjoyed it, so we will cruise it again. Meet at Die Stoep cnr Zambeezi and Visvanger street Montana...
  7. ALLEN I

    The Dinosaur,The Quarry, The Newbies and Mud Mud Mud

                                                              The Quarry ride a sneak preview. So the old Dinosaur takes the rug rats for a newbie ride to the Quarry. Bit of repairs on way The Quarry Don’t go that way. No Ears. The first fall Some steep descents had the adrenalin...
  8. ALLEN I

    The Dinosaur and the Ghost Town

    The Dinosaur and the Ghost Town                                                               Diepgezet: The return. So here I is once again checking out how you “Ous” have like been riding you Boneys all over the show and ive been like stuck with the family “Gooites” “Gooites” so I was “Sommer...
  9. ALLEN I

    The "Lekke" little Sunday Newbie/ Quarry cruise.

    “Lekker” little Sunday Newbie Quarry ride. So the “laatie” does go and buys himself this A “Lekker” Aprilia Pegaso so that he can cruise with his old man the Dinosaur and have a good time. So we does like ride these “Lekker”  gravel roads and “Sommer” some Quarry riding ass well. Now I does...
  10. ALLEN I

    Newbie rideo sunday 7 May/Semi Technical section for more experienced riders.

    Come join us for a nice sand ride. From gravel, to "twee spoor", under railway line with a bit of technical playing around sections by quarry, For the more experienced riders theirs also fun to be had at the quarry section, We meet at 09h00 for 09h30 at Oppi Stoep, cnr Zambeezi and Visvanger...
  11. ALLEN I

    Bought a Aprilia Pegaso Gravel ride for 7th may see planing a ride.

    Yip the Laatie just bought himself a 650 Aprilia Pegaso, now he can cruise with his old man The Two Moerse strong Dinosaurs will have to show him the roaps. He he  :biggrin:
  12. ALLEN I

    Nam, The two dinosaurs and the Twins (The Ride Begins)

    Nam, the Two Dinosaurs and the Twins. Oh!!!! Oh!!! Oh!!! So for you Ous out there that aint got anything  much going on, Us two Dinosaur  "Ous" had some sports in Nam again, this time with a twist. Here’s a wee bit of a preview for you guys. My Honda is ready to go. Ian’s Honda is on the...
  13. ALLEN I

    Nuclear bike gloves @ R250.00

    So after months of hunting, i finally have found nuclear gloves, Mine old pair lasted 4 years and were excellent gloves. Any body interested can go to Woema off road cycles. Shop 1 Glen gables shopping centre. C/o Lynwood& January masilela streets,  Pretoria. Speak to Charne Hedder as she was...
  14. ALLEN I

    The Dinosaur goes to a Ghost Town

                                       The Dinosaur goes to a Ghost town. So after having a “lekker” weekend “Jol” at the Kzn Bash. I “sommer decides that me and the Goose must “sommer” take a trip to Diepgezet an old mining ghost town about 80km outside of Barberton and go and check out the...
  15. ALLEN I

    Kzn Bash. The Dinosaur Way.

                                                    Kzn Bash the Dinosaur Way. So here I was like checking out where to go riding as my ass was “jukking” to go on a “lekker” ride. Now last year me and like the whole lot of us ous in my family went to the Kzn Bash, so I “sommer” decided that I need...
  16. ALLEN I

    Kawasaki Motor

    Busy restoring my old Kawa Ltd 750, so Looking for a Z750e Motor, any condition will help even if you ous have some old spares lying around will come in handy. Thanks Allen
  17. ALLEN I

    The Two "Moerse" Strong Dinosaurs, the Bikes and Nam are at it again.

                                   The Two “Moerse” Strong Dinosaurs, the Bikes and Nam are at it again. So once again the time had come for the two “moerse” strong Dinosaurs to go for a ride again as our asses were “jukking” from “leesing” about you other ous out there cruising around the country...
  18. ALLEN I

    The Dinosaur goes to the Kzn bash.

          The Dinosaur, Tappet and Family goes to the Kzn Bash. (Family Adventure Included) So now last year I was scheming  to go to this bash and was like looking forward to it and we was like tuning each other all types of “poofie” stuff and “sulke goed” when my big Bud “gooied” me a call and...
  19. ALLEN I

    Almost had my bike stolen (Found Disc Locks)

    So A while back after some heavy "kuiering" , i take off the Disc lock and head for home. Next day i hop on the boney and go for a ride only to feel that my front disc has decided to warp on me. Shit i scheme to myself, now how the hell did that happen? Take the disc lock out to put on disc only...
  20. ALLEN I

    Trip from Hotazel to Upington

    Need to know if any body had done thees roads and what condition and what to expect., basically from just before Hotazell down to Deden then up to the Twalu Game Reserve back( Do they allow bikes threw?) down through the Gamutee pan pass Koupan all the way down dirt (gravel) road to just before...