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  1. X

    Eikebos Rit 11 Oktober naby Greyton !!! ALLE DS bikes welkom!!!

    'n Toyota kan nie seerkry nie!! ;D
  2. X

    Eikebos Rit 11 Oktober naby Greyton !!! ALLE DS bikes welkom!!!

    Ek sal saamry net wat julle wil he ek moet saamry. Dit hang net af tot bo op watter berg jy van praat
  3. X

    Eikebos Rit 11 Oktober naby Greyton !!! ALLE DS bikes welkom!!!

    Kerels, al het ek nie meer 'n baik  :drif: nie kan ek nie maar saamgaan vir die backup vehicle met my 4X4 nie? Ek sal kosmaak ook!! :pot:
  4. X


    Ek en my non dog buddy is in!!
  5. X

    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    No it was not awesome it was SHAPPPPP!!!  :imaposer:
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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    Andy All home safe!! Thank you for the ride, it was awesome!!!
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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    That is exactly how my bike will look like after I pack all the sh1t that I need to tag along.  :imaposer: Don't suppose you have an extra T for me Andy?
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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    Not to worried about the cold but this snot and snow thing bothers me. Maybe I should fit some training wheels to the bike?  :o
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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    Friday can ma come now. Andy, How far exactly are we riding on Friday. Sounds like to hell and back??
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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    Will a 10 l Addis fuel can do the job?
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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    Andy Tx for the map update. Hope I can make it from Ceres to the next stop with one tank??
  12. X

    XT GET TOGETHER - 9 to 11 August 2013 -SEE FIRST POST !!!

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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    I paid and my name is registered on the list. Who can I contact for more info?
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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    Ok tx but it says on the reg post that it is limited to 60 and there are already 60 on the list??
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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    Andy Just got back online and the go ahead to join you guys. Is that spot still available?' If so, I will register and make payment this morning. I assume there is only a camping spot available?
  16. X

    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    Couldn't open the map, any other format so I can see if my ass will be able to manage this trip
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    WC- XT HELDERBERG YAMAHA Ride up to Koedoes Kloof

    Is there still a spot left for me?