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  1. T

    Got my learners

    Booked my license test,  Got an opening for next year March. I've been told by an acquaintance that I should go for a lesson or two with a guy called Billy De Beer. Do any of you guy know this guy and is it worthwhile going?
  2. T

    Got my learners

    Got my learners last week. Now I am legal on the road.
  3. T

    Middle Aged but brand new to biking

    I intend to do dirt riding at first (for a long time actually) before I will even consider riding on public roads.  All those cars, buses, taxis and other bikers, that just scares the hell out of me at this time.
  4. T

    Middle Aged but brand new to biking

    Hi guys I won't call you guys fellow bikers yet as I have not fallen yet. I have the grand total of 70 km of riding behind me and I am enjoying it so far.  Hope to learn a lot here and get moral support for when that dreaded day comes when I'm going to get an off.