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  1. H

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Donnie arrived about 45min ago, mum spoke to him.  He sounds good, but tired.  Started last and finished 12.  Come on Joey, hope he makes it back. 
  2. H

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Did Donnie 104 and Joey 10 definitely make it?
  3. H

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Respect to all the competitors, they all ride as a family and look after each other. They should all get a massive trophy. Not a lot of people can you what these guys (and girls) do, I take my hat off to them.
  4. H

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Thank you Rynett.. If you get a DNF on a day, regardless of how well or bad you did the previous days, do you start after all the riders still in race?  If that's the case, Donnie is kicking ass and catching up with the top 20 boys if I'm counting correctly!!  It's a shame he isn't in the race...
  5. H

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Does anyone know why 104 Donovan got a DNF yesterday, he is doing so well, again today.  Did he get in late?
  6. H

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Thanks BB, Im Donnie's sister and in England relying on people like you keeping us up to speed with everything.  Thanks for all your posts..
  7. H

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Thank you for the update BLUEBULL2007, good to know Donovan is not stuck somewhere and has a few guys with him.  Fingers crossed he gets his tracker working again. 
  8. H

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Does anyone know if 104 Donovan van de Langenberg is on the move?  His tracker stopped working at 10:49:35 SAST