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    Learners license - best way to study for the tests?

    There are 2 apps that I used for SA K53. Study notes & also run the tests. There are 3 tests that are changed at random in the actual exam. All 3 tests are exactly the same on the app. If you lucky enough to be in an area that the test is given on an android device (like Wellington) it also...
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    BIKE FINANCE OFFERED : Oostfin Vehicle Finance Solutions

    No worries. All sorted & seller is a really interesting guy to talk to so there was no shortage of travel stories
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    BIKE FINANCE OFFERED : Oostfin Vehicle Finance Solutions

    100% satisfied tx. Wish more companies had your service levels.
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    BIKE FINANCE OFFERED : Oostfin Vehicle Finance Solutions

    They have just done this for me (I'm based in CT). application started around 12pm last Friday (14th). I should get the vehicle tomorrow if other service providers (ie insurance) answer their mails quick enough
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    Battery for 2013 XR 125

    Update on this: The battery eventually arrived. Marked LiPo on outside. Lead Acid battery inside the box. Beyond irritated but guess I'm using the Lead Acid on the XR125
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    Self Inflating mattress
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    Any XR650L's in the market?SORTED

    Don't know the bike, but I bought a KLR from Jannus. Trustworthy seller but you should always have someone else have a look at the bike if possible
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    Battery for 2013 XR 125

    Tx BuRP. For anybody interested, I got the price wrong. On TAL They are R700 (not R800)
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    Battery for 2013 XR 125

    Tx All. Think the Lithium ticks all the boxes for required use. BuRP...its an xr 125. It has lights and indicators :)
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    Battery for 2013 XR 125

    Take a Lot has 1 in that spec for R800. If you look at the Lithium for other applications (gates, garage doors etc) pricing has come down substantially in the last 2 years
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    Battery for 2013 XR 125

    Tx. I thought it was more to do with the ability to stand for long periods without charging rather than its operating capacity?
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    Battery for 2013 XR 125

    Hi All. Ive got an XR125 for my son to learn & travel on until he is older. Bike sits for quite long periods unused & battery is now done, even though it was charged weekly. Anybody got advice to replace with either a Lithium Battery (+-R 800 on TAL) or should I stick to Lead acid at around R...
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    Sorted Zumo 595 Cradle

    Anyone have one lying around in a draw not needed?
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    Wanted Thick foam grips

    You get the soft ones at Startline in Goodwood area. They are comfortable but very soft. Got them on my KLR so absorbs shock, but probably need to replace every 12-18 months. They cheap so its fine
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    Wanted Smallish 'beginner' commuter/gravel bike in Cape Town

    Morning. Is there a separate budget for Safety gear? If not at least R6-8K needs to be taken off this amount (& that's if he buys 2nd hand & is patient). I have been riding for just over 1 year now & been very fortunate in getting advise from the right people & also made some newbie errors. The...
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    Wanted Helmet

    Tx. The top liner cost me close to R 1000 on ebay. Forgot to mention also comes with unused pin lock.
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    Wanted Helmet

    Morning Neo. I have a Schubert c3 Modular (XL) with integrated comms. Brand new top liner inserted & because of the comms neck roll been used, the original neck roll is also new. Selling for R 1500. If you send me your # I can WA pics. Im based in Paarl
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    Cardo (or other comms) question

    Morning. How much would you want for the Sena?