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  1. Operator

    How China are is conquering the motorcycle industry.....

    Toyota Myth.................nog nie van so 'n kar gehoor nie. Word dit in China vervaardig ? 👀
  2. Operator

    CRF450L or CFMOTO 450MT

    Two totally different bikes. Only thing they have in common is 450cc..............nothing else
  3. Operator

    How China are is conquering the motorcycle industry.....

    As die foon so goed was, hoekom het sy dit vervang ? 👀
  4. Operator

    Wilddog Event Western Cape Bash 2025. 21 - 23 March

    @Vintage_Mania sitting at his computer waiting for news about the Bash........... :ROFLMAO:
  5. Operator

    CF Moto 450 MT/IBEX coming to droomers in Cape Town

    why does issues need to be hush-hush ?
  6. Operator

    CF Moto 450 MT/IBEX coming to droomers in Cape Town

    High fenders, you can buy online for R1800.................or slightly more expensive from dealer
  7. Operator

    2013 BMW GS 650 Sertao - First adventure bike

    Oh well...................what does R50 k get you nowadays ? 🤷‍♂️
  8. Operator

    Why every ADV rider needs a dirt bike

    From all my years as an insurance broker, I've been involved with (most probably) hundreds of insurance claims on adventure bikes. There is one fine line that runs through the the bunch of claims/incidents and that is that the guys that started to ride later in life or that are weekend warriors...
  9. Operator

    CF Moto 800 MTX

    Droomers Powersport in Cape Town is already taking deposits for this bike and is running an introductory price of R199 999. Same engine as the KTM 790
  10. Operator

    Looking for Fenderbender's phone number.

    Danie is nog nie selfstandig en verantwoordelik genoeg om sy vrou te oortuig dat hy 'n selfoon kan kry nie 😈
  11. Operator

    KTM’s parent group is insolvent.

    while KTM is sorting their problems out....................In the interim I'm just worried about parts availability and supply. Would sad where the end-user is getting stuck without the possibility of repairing a damaged bike :unsure:
  12. Operator

    Sold SUZUKI DR 650 SE

    You got to ask yourself, what can you really buy for R39 999 in this day and time................ This bike is well priced and will go
  13. Operator

    KTM’s parent group is insolvent.

    Nostalgia is a bitch. Yes, indeed, I think you thinking is spot-on However, is the loyal client base going to buy a 990 built in China ?
  14. Operator

    KTM’s parent group is insolvent.

    KTM was trying too hard to be dynamic. New models every year and big Dakar budgets. Their research and development budget must be sky-high. These things cost a lot of money. Then you get Yamaha and Honda Never trying to be the best and not bringing out new models all the time. Research and...