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  1. J

    Man in the mirror

    Natuurlik piets hy haar. Ons deel alles - selfs nderbroeke en sokkies. ;)
  2. J

    Man in the mirror

    Nou is ek alweer uitgevang vir jok.  :dousing: So laat ek nou maar weer die waarheid praat. Die ou wat soos ek lyk (sy naam is toevallig ook Joost) met die groot "shlang", ek en Bollie het 'n deal gemaak. Ons bring die boek uit en hy (die ander Joost) koop al die boeke op binne twee dae dan dink...
  3. J

    Man in the mirror

    Sjoe but you okes are funny. I struggle get some time on the forum because daai vrou watches me like a hawk with silly questions: "Joost, are you watching porn on the internet". I honestly can say that I was not watching porn, but if I was then please forgive me. Sleeping on the couch is no fun...
  4. J

    Man in the mirror

    My friend Mike Bolhuis (most people call him Bollie) sent me the link to this site. He spied you on the interweb and tells me that you are mostly good okes, but my name is misspelled quite often (It is with a J). I just want to say that I am not as bad or dumb as people say and will even join a...