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  1. X


    HI Carlos send me your tel no, and i will give you a call, or call me on 0112514021 Chris
  2. X


    HI Guys thanks for the compliment, any time you need anything give me a shout. ;D
  3. X

    My Wife...

    HI Mzee, very good write up and description on the Tenere. on the traction control side of things i took the bike out on a little dirt section here by the shop today and tried to get the traction control to kick in. i got the back to step out a bit then traction contrl brought it back nicely...
  4. X

    Bad, actually NO Service in Randburg

    not a bad idea!! :laughing4:
  5. X

    Bad, actually NO Service in Randburg

    who did you speak to i would like to know what their response was!