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  1. N

    No More Punctures!

    Unfortunately people in SA stop for very little, either selfish and rushing headlong to another appointment or keeping eyes forward to ignore people needing help. That's a sweeping generalisation but unfortunately very true. Stopping for hitchhikers can be dangerous. Just stopping at the side...
  2. N

    No More Punctures!

    Hi Jaq I fully understand that you've given only opinion and comments based on research. I was surprised at the result but am not refuting it at all. Your comment about tubes is correct - if you get a nail in a tube it tends to 'rip' the tube as you ride. Ultraseal in the tube will seal the...
  3. N

    No More Punctures!

    H (or Kile) I think you've hit the nail on the head regarding DIY and installation. I must confess I was a little confused about the pricing on the site Jaq referred me to. �£ 24 for a DIY kit for a bike or scooter and the same price ('from') to do a whole car, including transport and...
  4. N

    No More Punctures!

    Shark I agree with you - the claims are similar. I've always thought it is crazy that you can say 'the best' but not 'better than' - comparative advertising, etc. I did, though, think it was not allowed to say 'most widely distributed...' without facts to back it up. I simply read the...
  5. N

    No More Punctures!

    Ama ride ride I also like forums because it allows for frank discussion and for views and opinions to be exchanged. Unfortunately it's also a place for people with big egos, who are not necessarily even in the same country, to show off and to make allegations without being in full possession...
  6. N

    No More Punctures!

    Before the Cape to Cairo post, a couple of points: I gave up on the IMG thing and posted the pic of my son as an avatar. Quick answer to Michnus - I understand the problem with the tyre changes and your need for a DIY solution as a result. One alternative (a little tongue in cheek) - how...
  7. N

    No More Punctures!

    Jaq - I'm sorry to have repeated the Chris C part of your post - I only saw a summary of the Chris C post in the 'topic review' while I was doing my last response. After posting I saw the whole thing. I promise that I am not Chris C and had never heard of him, nor the Horizons forum until I...
  8. N

    No More Punctures!

    Hi Guys Thanks for the balanced response to the topic. It's really appreciated. I'll try to answer all the questions: Ultraseal is so damned good that, when it seals, it seals. Sometimes this means that it seals the valve too. This is not a problem. Simply put a liitle air into the...
  9. N

    No More Punctures!

    Hi Shark You're obviously an experienced biker with a lot of knowledge (and opinions - 2000+ postings!). But I think, while expressing opinions, that it's important to be fair and to compare like with like. I had a quick look at the Stan's site. I found it a bit confusing when looking for...
  10. N

    No More Punctures!

    Sorry, the url code doesn't seem to like long url strings (or I'm too doff to make it work, having tried every combination of syntax). Here's the url for the FAQ page, please cut and paste it into your browser
  11. N

    No More Punctures!

    Hell, I didn't realise I would be barraged with questions like this. Still, I'm delighted to answer where I can. Please have a look at the FAQ''s on the site as these will answer most of your questions better than I can...
  12. N

    No More Punctures!

    How to save fuel and extend tyre life? Tyre temperature and under (and over) inflation are the major causes of tyre degradation (apart from rocks, bullets, etc) All tyres are porous and lose air over time. Ultraseal really seals the tyre, thus keeping the inflation correct. Ultraseal also...
  13. N

    No More Punctures!

    Thanks for the welcome Welsh. Welsh African - that's a frightening prospect! Where is the curtain? And you have now confirmed that this is a nuthouse.
  14. N

    No More Punctures!

    Hi ChrisB, thanks for the welcome Adventurer, I accept and understand your points. I can only say that I have always carried products like Tyre Weld but have never actually used one (I've always been the Combi on the side of the road in the rain and the middle of the night, trying to get the...
  15. N

    No More Punctures!

    Well guys, it seems I have offended some of you. Please accept my apologies. I accept that it is not proper etiquette to post a product without an introduction, although I did read the rules of the forum before posting. Perhaps you will forgive me when you read this response. You want an...
  16. N

    No More Punctures!

    No More Punctures Say Goodbye to Punctures For Ever! Ever been stuck on a road somewhere with a flat tyre? Do you worry about your family?s safety on the road when you?re not with them? Do you want the peace of mind that comes with knowing you won?t be stranded out on the road with a flat...