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  1. R

    Swinburne Weekend - Lots of Wow and a little Eish !

    Oh - i forgot to mention that it took us 12 hours to get home, finally rolled up the driveway at 22H00. Man it was freezing out there, i've never been so cold in my life. After leaving Swinburne we headed off to Clarens for lunch and then a scenic ride through Golden Gate and then a bit of carbo...
  2. R

    Swinburne Weekend - Lots of Wow and a little Eish !

    Roadrage Hey all - thanks so much for tit weekend, it was great meeting all of you and Bex and myself had a fab time. Jules - I think your letter should start something like this: Dear Yamaha..... nice bike....  found a pass on google earth .... met a girl who said it was a piece of takkie ("on...
  3. R

    Berg - Swinburne area - 6-8 Aug >> Closed for Check-In <<

    Hi all - Was wondering what the plan was for Sat? Is there an organized ride for the day once at Swinburne or is it a case of every man/woman for themselves for the day? It will our first trip with all you good christian fellows so i hope there will be no sinfull stuff such as drinking alcohol...