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  1. tok-tokkie

    What type of glue to use?

    Consider Pratley WondaFix
  2. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Is that huge "radiator" what was originally in the heater or some other radiator you have plumbed into the original heater ports.
  3. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Well that is what you want. More heated surface area for the air to extract the heat from. So, if it has more of that than what you now have it will cool better. If you become desperate it is where you should go.
  4. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Oh! You have already done what I was suggesting. I was pushing for a thicker radiator = 3 core rather than 2 core. I am surprised by what the Brits are saying.
  5. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Thanks for that. Now it is a clear as daylight. I stupidly thought the pump was sending water TO the radiator. Now I see the heater connects to the suction side of the pump.
  6. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    I don't understand what is going to drive the water from cyl #4 through the "heater" & where does back. At the "colder water inlet". Well the water went that way when it was used for the heater so there must be some pressure differential but I don't understand what it was.
  7. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    The cooling of the water depends on the following: 1. Temp difference between ambient air & water in radiator. The bigger the difference the more heat can be extracted. So cooler air will give cooler water. Hotter water will get cooled more. Nothing much you can do here. 2...
  8. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    That heat insulation limits the heat from getting to the metal so the metal will get hotter if you remove it. The temp in the engine bay will hardly change at all if you remove it. The proposals of placing vents or ducts will change the engine bay temperature - both will reduce the temp by...
  9. tok-tokkie

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Not much space for you beside that table. No space for anything other than the table in the workshop.
  10. tok-tokkie

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Half an hour watching her go through border. Give me back my time. I will skip it from now on. Duller than cold porridge.
  11. tok-tokkie

    TW200 Owners Thread

    Lovely little bikes
  12. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    To me that rough idling sounds super cool. Being able to turn it on & off is magic. You can have some super fun at a petrol head rally confusing them if you just do it without alerting them. Confused petrolheads Yea.
  13. tok-tokkie

    Short History of Adventure bikes

    My father kept a diary/journal during WW2. I uploaded bits of it here in the past. He was an Observer (=navigator, bomb aimer & photographer) in light bombers & in Madagascar at one point. His pilot was Ken Jones. His nick name was "Oubaas". This is an extract from that journal. The Oubaas...
  14. tok-tokkie

    How not to cross a river.

    They all seemed to be enjoying it. Much laughter.
  15. tok-tokkie

    Which adhesive

    I know superglue to mount a mirror causes the windscreen to crack in most cases. I have been to PG glass to have the mirror mount moved & they were willing to do it no problem. Did not happen because I wanted it moved to where the black dots on the windscreen are - cant mount it there. Terios...
  16. tok-tokkie

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Measure twice & cut once. You know what I mean.
  17. tok-tokkie

    Life in America - We made the move.

    What a nice story about the little lathe that you snapped up the moment you saw it.
  18. tok-tokkie

    Solo picking up weight?

    Eisbein's post refers. My Dakar on the 2007 Bash. I made a tooltube as part of my crashbars. It goes across the front of the bike. In it were 3 stainless pipes that slotted into each other. Normally I fitted bits to make them into 3 nice long tyre irons but also they could be slipped into...
  19. tok-tokkie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    In fact it is a general rule about pumps (& fans) they are much better "blowers" than "suckers". Positive displacement not as much as centrifugal.
  20. tok-tokkie

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    What fantastic adventure biking territory.