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  1. E

    Melkman Topbox

    Ps. Rooikat,ek dink ek en jy sal goeie vriende kan wees.
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    Melkman Topbox

    Ek en my vrou het awesome adventures op ons trip.Die topbox werk soos n bom. Ons het deur storms gery,wind gefight van alle kante,amper n tarentaal n les geleer en n skapie se lewe gered.Haar baggy broek het vandag aan die brand geslaan toe hy op die exhaust gele het.Lol! Ek dink dis oor sy so...
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    BMW 650 Topbox lower mounting plate

    I made a temporary new plan, but when I'm back next year I will make contact with you.
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    Melkman Topbox

    Yes!Iemand wat dieselfde as ek dink
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    Melkman Topbox

    Yes Wild dogs, Ek wou net hoor wat dink julle manne van my nuwe topbox. Die budget was bietjie styf na sy service,toe wou ek nie nog R2000 uithaal vir die brackets en R1500 vir die topbox nie. Toe kry ek die melk krat vir R20 en hy is rock steady en hy kan baie vat. Ons ry Maandag Kaapstad...
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    Wanted: Single 650GS Top Box (2000-2003)

    Hi Geo traveller, I am also interessted in buying the brackets and topbox. What is a PM? I'm new to this stuff.
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    Brake pads

    Hi Guys, I put new front brake pads on my Gs 650. And it makes a very funny squeeck sound.I am embarressed to drive slowly with my bike,because if I drive slowly everybody can hear that something is wrong with my bike. Any suggestions?
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    Braket fitting for a Bmw f 650 Gs

    Hi Guys, I am desperately looking for a the bracket mountings to fit my top box on my 2001 model Bmw f 650 Gs. Next week I am going to the Cape with it. Can anybody help me? P.S. My budget is tight like a tiger. Thanx Eugene 084 465 7870 [email protected]
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    BMW 650 Topbox lower mounting plate

    Do you still have your plate?
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    BMW F650GS topbox for sale

    Hi, Is your offer still standing? What model is your gs 650? Because i have a 2001 Gs 650 f. I am looking for the bracket mountings for next week. Can you help me please?
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    BMW F650GS topbox braket

    Hi, I've got a Bmw f 650 gs 2001 model. And I am desperate to put a topbox on my bike.Will that 2004 gs 650 's bracket fit onto my older 2001 Gs? The normal bracket costs a freaking R2000. Thats way above my fire place.(Afrikaans) I am very desperate to put a top box on my bike for my Pretoria...